
Monday 29 September 2014

Exciting new product!!!

Hello everyone, hope you are all well and happy!
It's been rather quiet here because I have been busy preparing samples for the new Create and Craft weekender shows this coming weekend, in my position as a member of the Sheena Douglass design team.

We are launching a superb, exciting and versatile new product, called Aquatints. I'll start by showing you some samples and will then tell you more:)
 No 1. Texture added with texture paste then coloured with the tints

Close up of the texture with the tints creating lovely patterns

No 2. Tints on water colour paper, the bottom half is a stencil that will also be on the show

3. Mixed media hanger, tints mixed with gesso, stamps from the Northern Lights set included in the show.

Alright, so what are these tints? They are bottles of highly concentrated water colour, there are several sets and each set comes with brushes and droppers included. There are Brights, Pastels, Essentials and Grunge sets. Each set has 6 different gorgeous colours.

To be honest, when I first got them I thought, ok, so what makes these so different from say the Dylusions sprays? Well, one of the differences is that they come in ink type bottles, with the droppers and brushes included, you can splash and drip, blend or wash to your hearts content. And of course there is nothing to stop you adding them to a spritzer bottle and using them as sprays too. The droppers make that a really easy thing to do. The Essentials set includes a fairly opaque white, brilliant to mix with other colours to get opaque like pastel colours. It also includes a gold and silver which are opaque, you can either use them as is, for some real bling, or again mix a few drops in with other colours to get an amazing shimmer. Mix any of the colours with gesso and you get a stunning chalk paint like finish, great for stamping on. You can mix them with acrylic paints and use them on your gelli plate, they are brilliant to dye ribbon or flowers with and I could go on and on, I bet I have not discovered the half of them and can't wait what clever techniques Sheena will be showing this coming weekend. Make sure to tune in to Create and Craft this coming Saturday, it is a weekender, so there will be several shows, the first one will be at 9 am.

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!


  1. Beautiful sales Astrid. Definitely a show to look forward to. TFS. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. They all look good Astrid. Annette x

  3. Are you going to be on the shows too?
    These projects here are simply gorgeous Astrid, really really beautiful. I love the stencils too and could think of several uses for this, and your work here are truly amazing, Love what you´ve done here hun.
    Have a great week ahead,

  4. Beautiful samples Astrid and those tints look very interesting. I hardly ever watch C&C these days but Sheena's shows are an exception. Must set the box up to record!

    Lesley Xx

  5. Oh Astrid, das sind ja wieder tolle Arbeiten - verblüffend, wie unterschiedlich die Farben wirken - auf dem Buchcover ist es unheimlich leuchtend und kräftig aber auch die beiden anderen Ergebnisse sind fantastisch! Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  6. What a versatile product Astrid...the AJ looks great with the texture and colours, both the use as watercolour and the way you've used it on the hanger...look all great!
    Curious to see more of it!
    Greetings, Alie

  7. They really do look versatile Astrid, your watercolour piece is beautiful and the texture on your first piece is just wonderful. Anne xx

  8. You are a super talented lady Astrid and a big asset to this DT. These products look amazing.
    Julie x

  9. Looks like a great new product, but then, Astrid, you make any products look good.

  10. Beautifully haunting samples Astrid. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing more about this new product.
    Dot x

  11. Wow, these are fantastic pieces. Great texture and colores.

  12. Stunning samples! I am intrigued by the tints. My heart rate went up a bit when I saw your textured artwork with the clock... gorgeous!
    Ingrid xx

  13. Beautiful work Astrid. It looks great this product. I am looking forward to see more of this product . It love new things. Thanks for showing, can't wait to see more.
    Love Anneke.

  14. Beautiful samples Astrid. You had fun,

  15. Love the journal and how you have used the aquatints

  16. Don't watch much C&C anymore, but just set my planner to record at the weekend. Your samples are sensational! Hope Sheena demos them or similar! Nikki xx

  17. This sounds like a great product! I love that there are so many ways to use. I love the samples you made!

  18. Gorgeous samples, Astrid! I am sure the way you showcased this watercolor product will really generate some interest! So versatile the way you used the product! Wish I could be there!

  19. These are all gorgeous, Astrid.

  20. Astrid these colors sound as if they will be fun to play with. Thank you for sharing this. Even before they have been released..
    And as usual you showed us some GORGEOUS samples of your art. Gosh it's awesome !!!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs from Monica... Spain

  21. Wonderful works of art Astrid. Look forward to seeing the show and the new products

    Love Chrissie x

  22. Love all of your makes but the hanging is my favourite x these products look amazing and I look forward to the show.

    TFS and huge hugs Annie x

  23. Stunning samples Astrid and looking forward to seeing the new products


  24. Hello Miss Astrid, showcased to perfection, each creation is FANTASTIC, my favorite is that scene it spellbindly gorgeoussss, thanks for sharing them, hope you have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS )))...

  25. Love your beautiful samples, Astrid, especially the ship hanging. The aquatints look intriguing. I shall be watching at the weekend - thanks for the heads up.

  26. Your samples are absolutely stunning Astrid!! Aquatints sound fabulous, I hope they will be available in Aus. From what you have said here I would love to have some. All three of your projects show such versatility and the colours are gorgeous!! Beautiful work as always! ox

  27. Great post Astrid and useful info on the new inks and comparisons to Dylusions.

    B x

  28. They looks fantastic ,those new tints, and you used them so beautiful in the samples here. The book cover is amazing dear Astrid.

  29. Astrid
    The samples you have created are nothing short of astonishing in the way you showed the versatility of this new product.
    I love it combined with the texture paste.

  30. All so beautiful - I would love to see more!
    Sandy xx

  31. Gorgeous samples & the Aquatints sound VERY interesting.

  32. Gorgeous creations, the colors are great, especially on the card!
    Groetjes Karin

  33. om gorgeous! Astrid! I love that clock journal the best- but all of your art pieces are fabulous! xo

  34. Wow! I'm always impressed by your talent! Just stunning!!

  35. Stunning samples, all of them, just love the texture you've created. The tin its are intriguing. Beautiful as always Astrid! Ruth x

  36. Wow! What amazing artwork!! Looking forward to trying these, the colours look so rich and cover the various textures beautifully

    Jools x

  37. These new products look very interesting Astrid and your samples are amazing especially the first one with the clock, love the texture on this. The townscene stencil on the second one looks nice too. Mo x

  38. Amazing projects!! Create and craft are in for a treat! Well done Astrid!

  39. Gorgeous pieces. Love the wall hanging especially. I can feel your excitement about the new sprays!

  40. Breathtaking all this texture and BEAUTY Astrid!

  41. Wonderful pieces Astrid, have the show taped, looking forward to watching it.
    Avril x


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