
Friday 26 September 2014

A Sad Goodbye

Hello lovely visitors, thanks for dropping in here.

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post as today is the day I will be sharing my very last post for The Artistic Stamper.

I have been on the team for two and a half years, and I have decided that it was time to move on. Life is taking me in different directions now, and something just had to give.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being on the team there and to work with The Artistic Stamper's wonderful stamps, so today I am sharing a review of some of the many projects I have created for them over the years. If you have time, take a look....

I want to thank Jennie the Artistic Stamper and all my teamies, old and new, I am sure we will stay in touch. Thanks to you lovely visitors also for all your support!!


  1. Ahh Astrid, I know how hard it is to leave a team with so many good memories. I'm sure they are just as sad to lose you too. But it is something you will always treasure and you are so right that life takes us in new and exciting directions. I know you always have so many opportunities presented to you and that you will continue to wow us all with your amazing creations. All the best as you go forward in your artistic endeavors.


  2. You've been a valuable asset to the team over the past few years and I'm sure you will be greatly missed. All my best wishes for everything the future holds for you. It is bound to be a success. Jenny x

  3. It has been a wonderful journey to follow you there too Astrid, and as always your work is such a huge inspiration to everyone, who see it, and I´m also sure, that you´ll be really missed there too. But that said, we also all know, how life sometimes decides other things for us all, and as we just can´t do it all, we sometimes have to let even the best things go, and if we can just see it as not letting go ogf something good, but to start something else even better, then it might not be as hard to go. I for one at least will look forward to see, where your journey will take you next, and I´ll be there, that´s for sure, as I sooo love everything you´ve ever shared with us. So best of luck, no matter where your life takes you.

  4. Your projects are always lovely, and I look forward to seeing all your new ones! Valerie

  5. Good luck in your future endeavours! x

  6. I think they will miss you terribly Astrid but sometimes it is good to move in other directions! Wishing you much success (although you don't really need it, your work is always superb) in your future crafty endeavours! Hugs, Anne xx

  7. Your journey continues Astrid and I know you will be missed by the team. Your creative talent is amazing and I for one really enjoy following you along the way.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Annie x

  8. I will keep on following you on your next journey. Where one door closes an other door will open. Wish you luck on your next journey Anneke xxx

  9. No doubt that you and your incredible artistic talent will be missed. It is always sad to leave a DT, but life and other directions do at times take place. I look forward to many continued visits! Hugs and enjoy the weekend, Astrid!

  10. I`m sure that you and your fantastic creastions will be missed by them, aswell, dear Astrid.
    But as you said, sometimes life takes us in directions , with the result of less time for everything.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  11. I have loved seeing your fabulous projects using the Artistic Stamper stamps and I am sure you will be much missed. But yes your artistic talent is leading you in so many wonderful directions and I know we will all be following you wherever you go! Have a lovely weekend x

  12. I just want to say that I am sure you will be missed very much. You are so very creative and talented, but I know how it is sometimes necessary to move in a different direction. Best wishes in all you do, my friend!

  13. That must've been a hard decision but it's true there are only so many hours in the week and if we keep doing the same, we won't have room for the new. I'm so glad to follow your blog so I will see your gorgeous art no matter where it's destined.

  14. It's always difficult to make those decisions Astrid and I am sure you will be greatly missed. Good luck in all your new ventures.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  15. It's always sad to leave, but it also leads to new horizons I'm sure your talent will know what to make with!

  16. Liebe Astrid,
    auch wenn ich nicht immer deinen wunderbaren Blog kommentiert habe, bin ich doch oft bei dir und deinen herrlichen Werken gewesen.
    Manchmal ist es so im Leben, dass man etwas, auch wenn man es liebt, beenden muss.
    Ich kann es gut nachvollziehen.
    Wege trennen sich und etwas anderes tut sich auf.
    Ich danke dir, dass du mich an deinen schönen Arbeiten hast teilnehmen lassen.
    Und ich umarme dich und wünsche dir von Herzen alles Gute <3
    Sophie xx

  17. I wish to keep following in your future, your creations are always inspiring.I remain your admirer.
    Have a nice weekend,
    big hugs Anja

  18. Astrid, thank you for all your input and absolutely gorgeous creations for The Artistic Stamper. You will be sorely missed! Good luck in your next adventures

  19. I am sure it is with mixed emotions with sadness for leaving a team you have been part of for so long yet at the same time, any new ventures that come your way will create excitement.

  20. Oh Miss Astrid you will be missed there, all your creations are outstanding work, thanks for sharing, I'm sure what ever else you do will be THE BOMB... Hope you have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS)))..

  21. Good luck with your new adventures. Have a great week, Annette x

  22. Wow! What amazing artwork!! Looking forward to trying these, the colours look so rich and cover the various textures beautifully

    Jools x

  23. Really sad news, your work over there was always inspiring. But fortunately you are still here and I´ll stay as one of your fans :o)


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