
Friday 8 February 2013

Valentines Valentine freebies

Hello everyone and welcome!
Well after last week's freebie I received so many comments, - I can only hope you like these ones too ☺
Can you believe it is Friday already again? Time has wings at the moment.

Here is this week's freebie offering, - a sheet with some bookmarks, some little heart tags and some tickets.
For the bookmarks I used elements of the wonderful Vintage Bookmarks Factory designed by Ignacio of Nicecrane Design and then I added some image freebies from here and there collected over the years. The tickets are my own design. In this post you can see some bookmarks I made with Ignacio's images.

Here are the elements of this week's sheet as separate files, - enjoy....

Thank you so much for visiting and see you next time!


  1. Astrid...these are beautiful!! I love Ignacio..she is such a wonderful person!! She always has the most interesting images. Of course, you add even more their beauty.


  2. Another beautiful freebie.. thanks so much Astrid. I especially appreciate the bookmarks.

  3. Goodmorning Astrid, yes Time flies, already friday.

    Thank you so much for the beautiful freebies!


  4. Dear Astrid, what lovely, and beautiful a sheet you have made for us,- they are so adorable in colours and images-
    Thank you dear friend, I am just now using one of your freebies for a tiny project,-will show it when finished.
    Hope your friday will be a happy day!

  5. WAUW thankyou so very much for these gorgeous gifts here Astrid. This is so beautiful, you are truely an amazing artist. I just love your stunning work always.
    Have a wonderful week-end ahead now.

  6. Thank you so much Astrid. Your freebies are always so gorgeous. I really appreciate your generosity. ox Marg

  7. Those hearts are just gorgeous!! TFS

  8. Vielen Dank für die wunderschönen Freebies, Astrid.

    Danke für den lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog, doch die Karten und ATC's waren nicht meine Arbeiten sondern Geschenke zu meinem Geburtstag.
    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende, Bärbel

  9. Thank you--these are wonderful--you are so generous! I especially love the heart with the roses . . .

  10. Thank you very much, these are totally gorgeous :)

  11. Hi Astrid,

    these are beautiful images. Thank you so much for sharing your work. I can't wait to use these in some of my projects. Thanks again.

    Michelle E xx

  12. These are lovely Astrid. I particularly like the little tickets. Thanks so much for sharing these.

  13. Wonderful freebies yet again - you're a wonder!! Thank you.
    Alison x

  14. Sweet and romantic images Astrid, thank you. I especially love the tickets!

  15. Hallo Astrid,
    wieder so ein wunderschönes Geschenk.
    Du hast ein großes Herz.
    Dankeschön xx

  16. Hi Astrid, thank you for the wonderful freebies. I have saved this immediately.

  17. These are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing them!!

  18. Thank-You so much for these wonderful images. I will certainly use them and let you know what I've done. Hugs Rita xx


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