
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Sharing technique on Spellbinders Blog

After I posted some of my recent tags I got many requests about how exactly I made them. Well, I am sharing a full description today on the Spellbinders Blog, so if you are interested just click on the link and hopefully it will take you straight there. Here's just a little sneak peek.
Would love it if you leave me a comment there rather than here, but you can do both of course, for let's face it, who doesn't love comments:o)


  1. My dear Asttrid this is a beauty.
    Wonderful design and thanks for this tutorial.
    Love it.

  2. What a wonderful, creative journey ... loved your tutorial!!

  3. This is absolutely gorgeous, something I´m definitely going to try too sometime, that´s for sure. I have made more of these wallhangers before, but never anything like this. It looks absolutely gorgeous and I just love the colorchoise here too, really outstanding. You have made an awesome tutorial too, that is soo easy to follow that any kid can do this too now.

  4. Absolutely stunning project Astrid and I'm off to look at the tutorial now.

    Lesley Xx

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous. Lee x

  6. Now I know one of the ways you achieve your beautiful soft layers. :)

  7. So eine wunderbare Arbeit, Astrid. Ich bewundere die Farbgestaltung, sie ist einn Traum!

  8. Astrid your work is so inspired! I found you by Pinterest and love your creativity...thanks for sharing with us! I look forward to your future projects that are shared with us!

  9. I'm saving this tutorial!! This is stunning!!! Love the beautiful colors and details!! Hugs!

  10. Like I said over there...your tags are fabulous, your tutorial is Fab, and so are you! Thanks for sharing this!

  11. I'm excited, what an amazing wallhanger, love te vibrant colors and all wht you combined!
    Hugs Anja

  12. I forgot: thanks for sharing the beautiful tutorial.
    xox Anja


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