
Friday 10 August 2012

My new diary...

Being a teacher my mind is slowly starting to turn toward the beginning of the new term, and so one thing I needed to do was get a new diary, as you probably know academic diaries run from July to August the following year. So off I went and got myself a new diary, a cheap black one. It looked so boring and uninviting that I decided to alter it. Hopefully that way I will actually remember to look in it to keep track of things.

Don't forget to come back tomorrow when I will post some new freebies.


  1. Astrid your art is just stunning, don't be suprised if the other teachers are full of envy when they see your beautiful diary!!!!

  2. Very fancy, so adore the antique technique you use... it always looks amazing Astrid. Hope all is well on your side of the globe ...x

  3. So so beautiful my dear Astrid.
    Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow !!!!
    Love them.

    Have a lovely weekend my sweet friend. xoxo

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous Astrid, as is all your wonderful work. I really love, what you´ve done to this here, it´s awesome.
    And thanks soooo very much for the wonderful CD I just recieved in my mail yesterday. It´s sooooooooooooo gorgeous and will definitely keep me busy for a while now too he he he. I just love it. Thanks sooo much for giving those to us inhere.

  5. It turned out beautifully! Hmm, maybe if I did something pretty with my diary I would remember to look in it more too, lol. I am terrible about that! I'm sure you will get many comments and questions from the other teachers about your lovely diary!

  6. a wonderful makeover.Hope you have a great weekendx

  7. Hi Astrid, What a fab makeover!! You are very talented. I love the "New" Diary...xx

  8. WOW really a new art work, love your style very much!
    xox Anja

  9. I love how talented you are. You can take anything and make it a masterpiece of beauty.

    The Diary is lovely!! Look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

  10. Altering a cheap diary is so satisfying, hope its large enough to enter all your school commitments. Great cover, enjoy the weekend, Annette x
    oops nearly forgot to answer your question from today. The background was a combination of Gesso and inks using a roller.

  11. Definitely looks better than my bright purple one! Can't face looking at it yet (for so many reasons currently) but as and when that time comes this could be a fun thing to do with it! Hugs, Buttons x

  12. Your new cover is fantastic Astrid, I love the watch on your flower, the added lace, and the shine- love how you added shadows from the tag and bird, so beautiful.
    Greetings from Dorthe

  13. Ein wunderbares Werk, Astrid, die Gestaltung des Covers ist großartig!


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