
Wednesday 11 April 2012

WOYWW #149

Well, this is my very first time participating in this and I truly don't know how often I'll manage, but as I'm on holiday just now there is really no excuse and I promise I'll try and get round to as may of you as I can. Seeing it is the first time, I'll show 4 different picks, showing my space at different angles. It's a corner of a room which I share with DH, we call it our "study", but trust me precious little studying gets done in here. Slowly all of my stash is starting to take over and DH has debunked to an armchair in the living room where he works with a laptop on his knees.
This is my actual work area, about 5 min after I tried to tidy it to keep working. In the foreground is my next DT project in progress, a mini made out of envies. Can't show any more details yet...
Here you can see some of my paints and distress stains etc, wished I had more of those, love them!
My ink pads in my wonderful swivel ink pad holder, all the distress inks are on the other side and re-fillers and alcohol inks on the top.
Finally my messy die cutting station, the drawers hold (some) of my stamps. My biggest regret is that I have nothing that will cut the Tim Holtz dies properly. Yes, you can see an old Cuttlebug tugged in a corner there but I cannot get it to cut my TH dies properly ever..... One of these days I'll get a big shot, unless someone wants to donate me a Vagabond of course....


  1. A warm welcome to the WOYWW family, Astrid! Your creative space, and your blog background, are really beautiful!

    I think my hubby thinks I'm going to take over the whole house one day too! He's very good natured about all my creative stuff.

    Hope someone gives you a Vagabond!! I've got a Black Cat Cougar cutter (called Sheba) so don't need dies...

    Look forward to seeing you around.

    Shoshi #18

  2. Sorry - meant to say thanks for your comment on my blog! My project is very experimental and I only have a vague idea what it's going to look like when finished, so we'll have to wait and see!

    Shoshi #18

  3. Great work area Astrid. My cuttlebug is the same as yours and it cuts the T Holtz diecuts perfectly. Just use two B plates. Annette x

  4. LOL! It's a sickness, isn't it? Always more goodies to be purchased. I can see hubby relegated to his recliner with his laptop balancing and wobbly on top of his knobby knees! Welcome to WOYWW and have fun snooping! :D

  5. What fun it was snooping through your creative area! I really enjoyed seeing how you store things, and all the goodies everywhere. Cannot wait to see your completed DT project... looks gorgeous!

    I have a bigshot and cuts 'everything' to perfection, no matter what the brand of die I use. However, as Netty has stated above, try 2 'B' plates, on your Cuttlebug, not a B and C plate.


  6. For some reason, I thought you had done WOYWW in the past, when I first started this blog hop. I like those inks, too and wish I had more. Have a super WOYWW from # 9 this week!

  7. Hi Astrid, Seems I can find you popping up when ever and where ever! Glad to see you here!

  8. Astrid you ahve a wonderful crafty place.
    So wonderful to see it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a lovely day my friend. xoxo

  9. Welcome to WOYWW, Astrid! What a wonderful workstation (s!) you have and how nice of your husband to make no complaints! The envelope project looks great as it is! Patsy from

  10. ...welcome Astrid...great work space with lots going on...loVe your inky storage too...thanks for sharing...Mel :)

  11. Hi Astrid, I'm looking now for 10 minutes on your wonderful photos of your workplace. There is so much to discover! You have just as much stuff as I :-) Thanks for the pictures!
    Wish you a nice rest of the week.
    Hugs and smile

  12. Be warned, WOYWW is addictive - Wednesdays will never be the same again!!
    Love your workspace, I liked the project you're working on - a bit steampunky maybe?? I love all that even though I son't stamp/cardmake myself :)
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  13. Welcome to WOYWW Astrid - I just love your blog header. I spent ages looking at it.
    Husband decamped elsewhere - sounds par for the course to me.
    Thanks for sharing all of your workspace, great photos - and thanks for your comment on my blog - I always seem to be playing "catch up". Thanks for the number too - makes it so much easier. Hugs, Neeet #10 again xx

  14. Welcome to WOYWW. It's lovely to visit a new space. You are very organised in a lovely crafty way, with different areas for each technique. It wouldn't work if |I had to share my room with my OH either, but fortunately he has his own room now. I have a Silhouette cameo cutter, but when I just want a small, quick cut I use my cuttlebug and so far it has coped with any make I have tried. I don't have many TH dies but it cuts my rosette strip just fine. I use layers of acetate from packaging as shims to get the pressure just, right. Kate x

  15. Happy Wednesday and congrats on your first WOYWW!! You might find it to be addicting! Thanks for taking a peek at my desk! Your workspace is fascinating! So much inky goodness!!!!

    Amy E. #30

  16. Hi Astrid, Welcome to WOYWW. You'll have fun and I'm sure you'll return.
    Love your crafty space with so much yummmy stash well organised but it's also really creative. There is some lovely artwork on your previous pages so I'm going back in for a second snoop.
    Thanks for popping by mine and hope to see you again soon. Enjoy your holiday!
    JoZarty x

  17. Welcome welcome! Just the space we were looking for! You have a gorgeous area, love the ink pad storage, is it purpose built? Im going to assume the stamps are umnounted, but I like the drawers idea...hmmm.... As for the TH dies and the cuttlebug...try altering the angle at which you deliver the die to the roller, sometimes the cutting edges have a burr and that needs to be cut another way to make it respond/sharp. I got a big shot when my cuttlebug finally fell apart, and some of the thin type dies don't cut so well...six and two threes, huh!

  18. From what I have heard recently about the Vagabond, I would stick to the Cuttlebug. At least it is not going to go up in smoke. Welcome to the Wednesday desk blog, Astrid, I really enjoyed snooping among all your stash. Thank you for your visit today, and you kind comments. have a good week. xx Maggie #2

  19. Wow, you have so many goodies to use. Such a well set out area.
    Thanks for visiting me and my hubby and I sat on the floor for hours putting those bookcases together, but it was well worth it.
    Have a great week.
    Von #41

  20. We start out with just a few things to make one card and suddenly it blossoms into an addiction that there is no cure for. So my advice to you is just sit back and enjoy and let your hubby work on his knees elsewhere!

  21. Welcome to WOYWW and thanks for sharing your craft space with you, if only on a virtual basis. I envy you all that space and storage.
    I have a Cuttlebug and don't find any problems with the TH dies but I still want a BigShot.

    Ann B

  22. Hi Astrid, thanks for stopping by my blog. The paper I used is from K and Company, it is called Lifes Journey. I really like that mini you have on your desk and I love your space. #26

  23. Welcome the WOYWW! I love your space! (Poor Hubby!) All those lovely inks, I haven't any!! They have been on my wish list for ages, but I never know what to buy first! Have a great crafty week! HaPpY WOYWW!

  24. Hi Astrid,
    I only have a Cuttlebug and it cuts Tim Holtz dies just fine, I'd agree with the comments saying 2 'B' plates do the trick. Movers & Shapers are another matter though and although possible with a concocted sandwich with shims I have since bought Tim's Tag die to use as a base plate plus the long 'B' plates to make it easier. Hope you have another go. Great to see your workdesk and thanks for sharing. B J #42

  25. ps...I can email you the freebie if you didn't find it, and this weeks Wednesday Freebie too

  26. Welcome to you from Lancashire. You've got lots of nice stuff. I could have a good rummage round Astrid.
    Enjoy your break.
    One I Made Earlier Today

  27. Hi Astrid thanks for popping to my desk today. Love your work space so many lovely inky things to play with. My husband is finding my craft room is encroaching on his office space too! Welcome to WOYWW Helen 35

  28. Thanks for sharing pictures I love seeing other artist studio (that way I feel normal because my studio has stuff everywhere)

    BTW I use the cuttlebug and I mostly have the Tim Holtz dies. I use 2 B plates and run the cut through twice and it seems to work out for me doing that. Hope it helps.

  29. Welcome to this creative WOYWW Wednesday. The pics of your workspace are great. All these inks, stains a.s.o. I think you have a great place to work. Love your DT project. The colours you've used are so perfect. Have a happy WOYWW. Bye, Franka #11

  30. Hello ! What a fab space to play, ah yes all those inks and stains makes me want to come and play! Take care, enjoy WOYWW snooping! Love Zo xx 75

  31. hi and welcome to woyww,you will want to come back,thanks for stopping by my blog,love your craft space
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww

  32. Welcome Astrid to WOYWW, be warned its addictive but fun, Love your desks... and had a sneek at your blog it is fabulous, I'm your newest follower!!! I have a big shot I have never used a cattlebug... Love my big shot... Have a happy creative week, Hugs May x x x xNo15

  33. Great desk area filled with so much creative goodness! Obviously creativity reigns here! Welcome aboard - I don't manage every week either and certainly can't visit all the participants; there are just too many - but I try to visit as many as I can. woyww#62

  34. Astrid, all you have to do to get a WOYWW badge is to email Julia and give her your mailing address. I know, I thought it was something you earned by visiting the most desks or something. Easy as pie! :D

  35. Hello Astrid & welcome WOYWW! Love your work space, everything to hand & lots of storage! Your makes are stunning really beautiful!I love the Vintage & shabby look & you do it beautifully! Have a great week!

  36. Hi Astrid! Funny about your husband. I couldn't imagine sharing a space with mine! Love to see your space and really love your paint/stain unit.

    I see you've gotten some good advice on the Cuttlebug - I hope it works for you. I love my Big Shot - powered by me and no motor to burn up. There have been way too many malfunction reports - best to leave it while the manufacturer works the kinks out (in my oh-so-humble opinion, anyway)!

    Susan #130-ish

  37. Welcome to the WOYWW madness and thanks for calling by. You have a really fab crafting space.
    A x

  38. Lovely to see you on the WOYWW circuit Astrid - and to see where you create - it looks wonderful! Your ink holder swivel storage looks great.

    Thanks for already coming to see my desk this week
    Sherry - WOYWW #73

  39. I'll echo Susan - stick with a Big Shot and avoid a Vagabond like the plague. Plus, it'll cost you extra to run (save your pennies for your stash, not your electric bill!)

    Love your space - welcome to WOYWW!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Morti #4

  40. Wow, adore your work station, looks full of crafty goodies.
    Red Kitty No97. x

  41. Your craft space is amazing, so much cool stuff! Thank you for visiting my desk and welcome to WOYWW. My cream tea was yummy! Have a good week xx

  42. I love your workspace Astrid!!!! makes me want to start creating today!!!! thank you for sharing these photos!!! Happy WOYWW!!!!

  43. Welcome! Lovely work - thanks for sharing.


  44. Welcome to woyww, I don't make every week and have missed quite a few lately, but it is fun, your spaces look fab and love some of of your storage!!!
    Have afab day hugs trace x

  45. Welcome to WOYWW Astrid! It's a bit crazy but I try and pop by most weeks. I never even attempt to get all the way round, I don't know how people do it. Loving some of your storage solutions, am always trying to find ways to get more in this room!! Have just taken down a cupboard in another room and am trying to work out how I can get it in here LOL. Sigh we still haven't done our trade, must be a year at least since we said we would do something. I'll keep thinking about it!! Cindy

  46. Gorgeous space and that project looks really lovely Jacqui #111

  47. That's a nifty gadget for your ink pads there! I love what you are doing with the envelope mini. #85

  48. Yip, my hubby has debunked to the armchair too, also with his laptop...well, they are made for laps...

  49. Welcome to WOYWW! This is only my third week and I'm loving it. Your book looks lovely, I'd like to see more. (I have managed to get to every desk twice, but not to comment on them all unfortunately!)
    Have fun (lovely blog)
    Suzanne (now following you)# 96

  50. welcome to the clan, thanks for coming by my desk earlier, and it is very nice to meet you and your desk, perhaps your poor DH could have a shed for Christmas - let's face it he will never get a toe back into the 'study'...aka your craft room

  51. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and welcome to WOYWW! With 53 comments, it's good to see you are getting a warm welcome! I love your well-organized area!

  52. Ah a desk full of yummie products and one of my favourite brands too. I cant go past 'Golden' the best on the market. Oh and so many other yummie things to look at too, thanks for sharing your desk and visiting mine.

    Eliza #80

  53. Happy first WOYWW Astrid. Your space is wonderful! I'm rather jealous of all your amazing organization (and your distress inks). Hope to see you again next week!

  54. Well a very happy woyww to you, and thank you for sharing your wonderful space with us!


  55. Fab workspace! My Cuttlebug cuts TH dies beautifully - just use two B plates. Oooer, love your ink pad storage!

    Sorry I'm late hopping over, yesterday was manic here! Belated Happy WOYWW. Di xx

  56. The envelope mini book look great! Must pop back when it's finished...

  57. Welcome to the WOYWW family...a legal snoop around desks...its a weekly fix for creative inspiration.

    Lovely desk sapce, thanks for sharing

    kyla #127

  58. Welcome to the family!! Lovely projects
    Sophie x

  59. Welcome to our ever growing's tough to get around to 50 never mind the whole group!


  60. Hi Astrid I'm late this week as I've been away with family and no wifi access! Yikes. Love your creative space and your journal looks fabulous. Happy Friday the 13th and thanks for sharing,
    hugs Erika.


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