
Thursday 12 April 2012

Journal page and an amazing gift...

After weeks and weeks I finally got round to doing some journaling again.... I had loads of painted and gessoed (how on earth do you spell that??) pages prepared but just never got round to doing anything with them. Well finally, last night I did and here are some photos of the result...

This morning I had a wonderful surprise! A while back I won some candy and look what arrived in the post today...!
Two gorgeous stamps from Vilda stamps and the most beautifully decorated envelope with two lovely tags. The lady who sent them is the wonderful Anne
Kristine. She does incredible work. If you don't know her, go and have a look here


  1. Well Astrid, all I can say is I am in awe of this work of art you made. This is absolutely gorgeous What you create with ink and gesso is astonishing very very inspiring.

  2. Totall gorgeous pages Astrid, such a fab layout. Congratulations on such a wonderful win. Annette x

  3. Woooooooooow what a stunning journal page.
    Really great work and congratulations my dear. xoxo

  4. Beautiful layout! I love how seemlessly it flows.

  5. Astrid, your journal page is awesome! Perfect design!
    And also congratulations on your win! The stamps are fantastic!

  6. Astrid, your journalling is exquisite! xx

  7. Amazing journal page, Astrid!
    LOVE the colors you've used here!!!
    Oh and have fun with your new stamps.. they look beautiful (especially the 'lilium' one! *sigh*)
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
    Sylvia xx

  8. Just beautiful! Love the colors! Hugs!

  9. This is quite beautiful - I am going to use it as inspiration for a spread I am doing in my altered book with the theme of Vintage Gypsy. I love the colors you chose and your border and focal image!

    God bless.


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