
Sunday 22 April 2012

Vintage scrapbook mini

Beware this is going to be a photo heavy post....

Some of you may remember that I was working on a vintage mini with old family photos. I showed the empty pages in my last WOYWW post, well I finally managed to finish it. It is a socalled "Stack the Deck" mini as designed by Laura Denison. A tutorial can be found on her youtube channel. It's all made out of envelopes, so each page had a pocket for tags. The photos are all from my husband's family. His father was Scottish, as you can tell from the name. His mum was from Germany originally. She moved to the UK shortly after the second WW.

 Here are some of the pages and a few of the tags I made:
cover detail

cover detail

My DH great, grandmother on his fathers side

A great uncle, I just love this photo

Grand parent on father's side

his father as a boy

his father in his 2nd WW uniform

His Great grandmother on his mother's side as a girl

Great grandmother at age 25

Great grandparents. He was an officer in the Prussian army...

Grandmother, she was one of the very first female medical doctors in Germany

Grandfather on mother's side as a boy

His mum as a baby

His mum with her grandparents on her father's side
 These are various tags that fit inside the pockets. They always have a photo on one and a description on the other side. The ornate tops fold over the pocket and form a decorative element on the following page. Another idea from Laura Dennison.

I had great fun making this, but I'm glad it is done lol, as it was a lot of work...


  1. Fabulous, fabulous work Astrid and it all looks so authentically vintage. A beautiful keepsake.

  2. It is stunning, I love this look. I have many old photos as I research family history, this would be a good way of showing them. Fab! Zo xx

  3. This booklet is really stunning, dear Astrid! So much to see, I love the colours and stamps (are they stamps) on the envelopes not to mention the very precious old photos. Did I mention, that I have become your follower just because of these eye-candies on your blog? Thanks for the inspiration! Greets, Manu

  4. Wowwwww, Astrid, this is beyond gorgeous! Not only is the layout and design of your mini awesome but what a great treat to have all these wonderful old photos to work with! What a wonderful and precious memory you've created!!!
    {hugs} Sylvia

  5. What a beautiful way to keep your husbands photos. It does look like alot of work, but what a conversation piece on those family trips?? Excellent job. :)

  6. Astrid, this is absolutely stunning! The pages compliment the photos to a tee. What a wonderful keepsake

  7. Oooooh, this is Stunning! Bravo! xo

  8. Astrid this is stunning. I too love Laura Dennison and I often put her videos on whilst I am working in my craft room so I can just listen to her as she is sooo funny.
    This book is wonderful and I am so glad I am late visiting you from WOYWW as I may have missed it.
    Monkey now wants to do a WOYWW tour with his suitcase and my punch, I will add you to his list! In his dreams! He isn't taking that punch anywhere! LOL!
    Thanks for your visit.

  9. Astrid
    what a gorgeous album filled with beautiful heirlooms! I adore every bit!

  10. Wow! I really loved looking through the photos of this album, its simply stunning. And the photos of the family members are so amazing. Do you mind if I ask a question? That font you used that looks like an old typewriter font, is that a stamp collection or is it done on your computer? I just love it. My email is if you don't mind sharing. Thanks so much for sharing this incredible album. Lee xx

  11. What a beautiful labour of love Astrid and how wonderful to have so many beautiful photos to showcase. It's a stunning piece of work and one that bears returning to time and again as there is so much details to see.

    Lesley Xx

  12. Wow! the book is beautiful!I have made mini albums and they are a lot of work! Great job!:O)

  13. Your album is breathtaking and the cherished photos make it priceless. Absolutely gorgeous, Astrid!

  14. Such a beautiful work of art...I love everything about it.


  15. What a treasure you have created- beautiful and nostalgic!

  16. OMG this knock me out my socks Astrid.
    Your book page by page a dream. Wow wow wow wow wow wow.
    Your work is a fest. xoxo

  17. What an amazing work of art this is and something that will always be treasured throughout your family and history. Every single element is 'wow' .....

  18. It's breathtaking Astrid. it looks like an antique. beautiful, beautiful work! xx

  19. Hi Astrid, this is outstandingly beautiful and it is a real pleasure to look at all your wonderful family photos, they were a handsome lot, mind you Sarah Maclean looks as though she would't stand any nonsense LOL! Thanks so much for sharing it. xx

  20. Oh mein Gott, ist das ein bezauberndes Projekt, Astrid! Wieviele alte Fotos Du hast....ich bin wirklich total begeistert! Und so wunderschön gestaltet!
    Ein tolle Idee mit sensationellem Effekt!

  21. oh this is gorgeous! I wish there were photos of our ancestors. Seems everyone else must have gotten them and hoarded and never shared or they are all lost or destroyed.

  22. wow what a wonderful family keepsake...youre so lucky to have so many wonderful old photo's of your family.

  23. WOW, Astrid, wat is dit mooi!!!!! Geweldig om op zo'n manier de foto's te bewaren. dank je wel voor het voorbeeld, ga het zeker ook maken, ik heb ook nog oude foto's liggen. groetjes uit Oisterwijk.


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