
Friday 20 April 2012

Fridays Freebie

This week something slightly different...

Here are the photos in their original form. Top left was taken in 1880, top right in 1864 and the bottom one is the same girl (my DH's great granny} at age 10 in 1871
Some of you know I was given a bunch of old family photographs by my sister in law. With some of the photos I am in the process of creating a vintage mini scrapbook. For this Friday's freebie I decided to alter some of my favourite of these photographs. I am also letting you have them in their original form as I know many of us love vintage photos and these have never been seen before in blogland, so enjoy....


  1. Oh are they not gorgeous photographs!! Thank you so much for sharing with us all Astrid.... x

  2. Oh wow you´ve made dreams from these old photo´s.

    Have a lovely weekend my dear Astrid and THANKS for the freebies. xoxo

  3. Thank you so much dear Astrid! xx

  4. Wow, these are fantastic!
    Thank you very much, Astrid!

    Have a nice weekend my friend.
    Hugs and smile

  5. Thank you for these wonderful photos Astrid. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  6. What lovely photos! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hello Astrid, thank you for all these lovely images, so nice of you to share them with us. I love your beautiful work, so I'll have to follow you :)

    Happy weekend to you! Hugs, Wendy

  8. I just found your blog and find it amazing! I have become your latest follower because your artwork is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing all these beauiul freebies, too

  9. Those are some very awesome pictures, Astrid!! And you did a very lovely job with them too! :)

  10. These are absolutely stunning photos and what a beautiful girl she was. You are very generous to share them Astrid.

    Lesley Xx

  11. Thank you so much for sharing these lovely photos and beautiful creations Astrid.
    Hugs Alveen


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