
Friday 21 October 2011

Look what the postie brought

Well today is my big day (don't ask, it's one of those with a zero in it)...
I want to say a big thank you to all my blogging and facebook friends who sent me good wishes from all over the world. Thank you also for all the beautiful cards!!! (you know who you are).

I could not resist though showing this wonderful surprise package that arrived to day in the mail from my dear friend Cindy
Is n't it amazing?


  1. You SHALL go to the ball with that beautiful slipper Astrid! Wishing you a very happy birthday xxx

  2. I wish I'd known earlier it was your birthday as I would have sent you a card - I hope youre having a wonderful day!
    And what a beautiful gift from Cindy.

  3. Gorgeous slipper.
    Hope you have had a very Happy Birthday. Yvonne x

  4. Have a terrific........birthday and that gorgeous slipper is a wonderful gift.

  5. Hope you have a great birthday. Love the slipper!

  6. happy birthday Astrid have a wonderful day ..... that slipper is exquisite ... how beautiful .. hugz x

  7. OMG what a lovely shoe Astrid.
    Fantastic design. Cinderella like ;)

  8. Like Paula, I wish I'd known so I could have sent you a card Astrid but in any case I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday.

    Love the pretty slipper!

    Belated Birthday Hugs
    Lesley Xx

  9. What a lovely surprise! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! My next birthday is one of those with a zero!

  10. A lovely present for a lovely lady. Hope you had a great birthday.
    June xx

  11. Oh, the shoe is really great, Astrid! Stunning design and beautifully created!

  12. i like your creativity that is awesome and so different. i like it!

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