
Wednesday 19 October 2011

Crafty Christmas tags

While working on some bigger art projects which I cannot yet show, I have been relaxing doing some crafty Christmas projects in between.
All stamps from Waltzing Mouse.
The strips to make the stars with come from Vivi Gade. A tutorial of how to do these, can be found here


  1. Arent these fab - youve certainly got a lot more patience then me.Shall look forward to seeing the other project youve been working on!

  2. nice ornamnets u have done...

  3. You always seem to find such interesting projects Astrid - those stars are great!

  4. those are great astrid! can't wait to see what that "something bigger" is!

  5. Terrific pieces of crafting Astrid, looking forward to seeing your bigger pieces, x

  6. Oh wow so wonderful Astrid.
    Really gorgeous piece for christmas. Love them.

  7. These are really wonderful Astrid and so unusual. As Paula said, you have more patience than I do too. I can imagine your family and friends don't want to open their gifts for fear of spoiling the lovely way they are wrapped.

    Lesley Xx

  8. Just beautiful, Astrid! Each one is a perfect little gift!

  9. These are lovely and the previous cards are quite divine, I really like the candle gift box though so lovely. There's my very quick catch up :0) Dx


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