
Tuesday 14 September 2010

Journal page swap

This is side 1 of a Frida Kahlo journal page swap in my art group.
The main image is from a google search totally altered. The background was done with painted deli paper. The central strip of paper was a gift from my friend Wanda. You can see her amazing work here


  1. Oh wow a Frida piece. Wonderful journal piece Astrid. Perfect.

  2. The red background in this piece is really nice. I'll check out your friends blog now.

  3. This is one of my favorite photos of Frida. You've done a nice job of altering it.

  4. Another fabulous piece of art work! Love the colors!

  5. Oh wow this is gorgeous Astrid, I love the colours and its so exotic... Annette x

  6. Hi Astrid, I think this is the first time I've visited your blog, what great stuff! the journal spread is beautiful, so many of my favorite elements, architecture, vintage imagery...and of course, printed words!! Love the Fridas too, you are very talented!


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