
Thursday 5 August 2010

Envie no 4

I seem to be spending all of my art time making these envies. They take forever.
Anyway, here is no. 4, tags, back and front. I had to scan the tags twice, once with and once without the bead embellishment.

Main image on the front is from a Moonlight sheet, slightly altered. The little bird on the back I cannot remember, I think it may be the graphics fairy


  1. You are on a roll!
    They are a bunch of beautiful, happy Fun!

  2. They are so beautiful! Well worth the time!!

  3. Wunderschön liebe Astrid, Deine Werke schauen zauberhaft aus.

    Lieben Dank auch für Deinen Besuch und netten Kommentar.

    Herzliche Grüße
    und ein schönes Wochenende
    wünscht Dir

  4. Wow wow wow wow Astrid your work is absolutely unique. Really really wonderful. I love them all.

  5. I always come to your blog for inspiration. Your latest work has been rather excellent.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Ein Umschlag schöner als der Andere.....obwohl das schon fast nicht mehr möglich ist.....ganz fantastische Gestaltung, meine liebe Astrid!
    Wünsche Dir noch ein schönes Weekend

  7. I love the envies, is there a swap site? What kind of envelope is it? Would love to play with that. Beautiful work as always.


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