
Tuesday 3 August 2010

Another envie done

Here is the next altered envie for the journal swap (see post below) Raven from Land of Nod studios, Moon from Paper Whimsey collage sheet. Sumo wrestlers Teesha Moore


  1. Love looking at your work Astrid, its always so gorgeous. Annette x

  2. Gorgeous, your work is so inspirational.

  3. Traumhaft schön liebe Astrid, ich bin schwer begeistert.

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke

  4. I have been following your altered envie swap pages, Astrid. Each is more beautiful than the last. You are such a talented artist. Your work is always inspirational to me! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Du machst immer so traumhaft schöne Sachen, Astrid! Ich bin total begeistert. Echt toll!

  6. Astrid I am loving what you are doing with your envie journaling, you have such a wonderfully delicate and vintage style that makes my mouth water.

    I'm really wanting to get into this kind of art myself and mail art also AND I know you have pointed me in the right direction before as to where I might find some links BUT I'm afraid I can't find it anywhere so would you humour me and tell me again.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated and it makes my day! Please don't waste your time leaving anonymous comments, they will go straight to spam!