
Saturday 14 February 2015

Happy Valentines!

Just a super quick post from me to wish all my friends and followers Happy Valentines Day!!

I'll be back tomorrow with a new project, meanwhile, may your day be filled with love and may you find love in your heart to spread throughout the world.

Love you all and thank you for all your support!!!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Astrid! Have a lovely day!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! Valerie

  3. A lovely gesture Alsrid and may you day be a wonderful one as well. Afraid I can't see your photos, seems to be the relationship blogger and I have lately, all to do with our server issues I believe, it's in hand but they say it will mid mid March before everything is switched over - might as well be a year as it's taking forever.

    B x

  4. Beautiful Valentines card Astrid. Very appealing to me. Looking forward to next week. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. You are just such a thoughtful person Astrid! Love your Valentines make and I wish you the happiest of Valentines Days! Best wishes and big hugs :)

  6. Thanks sooo very much Astrid, and all the same right back on you too. Hope you´re having a wonderful Valentines Day as well.

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Astrid.. what a beautiful card - Thank you!

  8. Very pretty Astrid and lovely to depart from red. Many happy valentine returns back to you. Have a lovely weekend. Nicola x

  9. I hope you are having a great Valentines day ! Love your card !
    Corrie x

  10. Lovely card, Astrid! Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. Hope you have had a happy Valentines day, its a beautiful card.

  12. A really beautiful card Astrid and so thoughtful of you. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Hugs, Anne xx

  13. Hope you had a lovely day, fab card:-) xxx

  14. wonderful card, have a happy day

  15. Hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day Astrid. Thank you for thinking of us and making the beautiful card.

    Love Chrissie

  16. A beautiful card from a beautiful person.
    Such a lovely post Astrid, and the card truly is fabulous.
    Sending love and hugs, and trusting that everything is fine and dandy where you are.
    Belated 'Happy Valentines' to you ~ Cobs.x

  17. Dear Astrid, I hope your day was cozy and lovely!! Your card is beautiful, and so are your words , they should reach every man in this world, and become a demand !!! Hugs to you.

  18. Sheer elegance at it's best. Thank you so much for creating such a lovely expression of love! Happy Valentine's weekend to you too Astrid. j.

  19. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day Astrid!

  20. This is absolutely gorgeous!! I'm a little late but I hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

  21. Love that rustic heart - what a charming card. I hope you had a lovely day!
    Alison xx

  22. Understated and wonderful! Jenny x


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