
Sunday 8 February 2015

Fairy houses for Our Creative Corner

Hello everyone and lovely to see you.
Today I am sharing a sponsor spotlight project over at Our Creative Corner. Our sponsor this month is Tando Creative.

Here is a little preview of my project, if you would like to see the rest and how I put it together, just click HERE
Hope you'll take the time to look as I would love to know what you think.

Thanks for coming by here anyway and have a great week ahead!


  1. Makes me think of Into the Woods, Astrid. Or a really dark fairytale before the were disneyfied.

  2. Oh wow Astrid, this looks amazing! Off I go to get a better looksie! happy sunday :)

  3. I hopped over and took a peek ... Wow!! Fabulous!!!

  4. Saw these earlier on OCC - amazing! I love how you have made what probably normally wouldnt be vintage into vintage - if that makes sense! Nikki xx

  5. What an amazing project Astrid, I´m totally in love with it. Soo gorgeous and beautiful in every little part of it. Soooooo well made in every corner and little detail.
    Have a wonderful day now and loads of more fun.

  6. These look so cute!!
    I can image you had great pleasure creating these beautiful houses.

  7. This creation has to be seen to be believed. What a fabulous work of art it is too. Just Stunning my Friend. Hugs Rita xx

  8. Wonderful! Off for a proper look! Chrisx

  9. This is just too sweet! I am always on the lookout for the faries and they would love this! Thanks ever so much for sharing with us.

  10. Fantasic ... what a wonderful project this is!..
    Happy new week Astrid!

  11. Well, you know how much I love 3D projects Astrid and this one is absolutely fantastic, I love how you did the little houses and your groundwork is superb! What a gorgeous gift for your Granddaughter! Hugs, Anne xx

  12. Brilliant, absolutely fantastic, I just love those little houses

    Patricia x

  13. I went over for a look, gorgeous project, the little houses are amazing, love all the colours and the textures as always. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  14. Wow, Astrid, just been to see your project, a world of fantasy and fairy tales came to mind when I saw it. This will be cherished I'm sure.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Astrid, this is so lovely and sweet! Very evocative of fairytales, which I have always loved. Your texture work with embossing powders is fantastic - I can see it when I zoom in on my iPad, lol. What a wonderful gift for a little girl in love with "all things Faerie"!! And what a clever product from Tando - I will have to follow to see how others treat this! xx Lynn

  16. OMGosh! How adorable- I'm my over to check these out!

  17. Oh.. this is such a lovely creation, Astrid. Love it! :)

  18. Astrid,
    Such a beautiful are such a talent!
    Warmest regards,

  19. Wooow! This is awesome! You are such a talented artist! I love your work. Your color combinations are fabulous. This is a brilliant piece of art! Thanks for the inspiration!

  20. This product is really cool, and the way you've altered it is wonderful! LOVE the texture on the houses!

  21. Oh my goodness this looks straight out of a fairytale! Stunning little scene so beautifully decorated. Nicola x

  22. Fairy houses, I need to see this!

  23. So different, so clever, so imaginative. LOVE what you've done with these houses. Jenny x


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