
Tuesday 9 December 2014

A House of Months or a Calendar House

Hello everyone and lovely to have you visiting.
Today I have a calendar to share which I altered using some of the amazing Decoart products I recently received:
This is one of these fun calendars that you can use over and over again. I was delighted when I found one in my local supermarket. This is what it looked like then:
It's quite nice really, but I did not want a calendar that would look so Christmassy all year long, so decided it would be perfect for altering...

First I gave all different parts 3 coats of Gesso. After that I added some Texture Paste through a Tim Holtz stencil and then added some colour with 3 different colours of Media Misters: Primary Cyan, Turqoise Shimmer and White Shimmer. These sprays are permanent and really intense in colour. This is what the house looked like then:
A bit too dark and not quite what I was after, so when it was dry I added a coat of Translucent White Media Fluid Acrylic. This stuff is amazing as it gives good coverage, yet stays translucent, without having to add any other medium, - brilliant.
Getting much better, as you can see, I also added some Burnt Umber around the edges for a bit more definition. Next I decided I really wanted some crackle in places too. So out came the Crackle Glaze, added in different thicknesses to different parts of the house, - this to achieve different sized crackle. (It's best to dry it overnight, not with a heat gun).

Well, while the glaze was drying, I started on the blocks, first I gave them the same treatment with the sprays:
Then I toned them down with the translucent white again and finally finished them off with some stencilled numbers (Tim Holtz) and some background stamping.
 I decided to keep the little blocks for the months more plain, for contrast. So all I did was ink around them with some Coffee Archival and then adding the months (computer generated).

Back to the house. Once the crackle had done its stuff, I added some Antiquing Cream to highlight the cracks. I can tell already, this is going to be one of my all time favourite products. Here's what it looked like now:
And here with the other elements in place:
Here you can see that I highlighted the stenciled texture with Treasure Gold to bring it out a bit more still.

Now I could have left it like that, but me being me, I wanted to add some embellishments. A clock seemed appropriate. As it so happened I had a little clock charm in my stash. It was a rather boring bright sort of bronze colour, so of course I altered it.
Some Medium Grey fluid acrylic, followed my antiquing cream and treasure gold did the trick. This is what it looked like now, more fitting to my shabby chic house.
And here is how it all ended up together:
Tim Holtz greenery, sprayed with Bundled Sage and Iced Spruce, then dabbed lightly with some watered down White Shimmer Spray. Roses from my stash, again treated with the white shimmer and some of the white trancelucent paint and finally a little resin bird.
So there you have it, my altered calendar house.

I'm just in time still to add this to the Artist Trading Post Exchange challenge where the theme is Recycle for Christmas. Well, as this is going to be a gift for a friend, I have just about done the theme justice....

All of the products I used are available from Decoart, where you can also get loads of product information as well as videos.

Stop Press: If you see word verification when trying to comment here, please note it has nothing to do with me, I have it firmly turned off, but blogger seems to be playing up on some blogs, I keep getting WV on blogs that don't normally have it....

Thank you so much for dropping by here during this busy time of year and I really hope you will find some creative time too!


  1. What a fabulous creation. The way you have transformed this is unbelievable. It really looks so beautiful. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. An amazing transformation Astrid! I love all the wonderful blue and silver colours. Fabulous !!! x

  3. What an amazing transformation - love the subtle colours - your friend will adore it! Chrisx

  4. I have a slight obsession with perpetual calendars and you have transformed this one so beautifully! It is fabulous! Sadly, I cannot open up my huge box of DecoArt things til after Christmas but you have certainly inspired me with the two projects you have created Astrid. Hugs, Anne xx

  5. Wow Astrid, what an incredible transformation! The blue palette with the touches of black and silver are stunning! Love all the foliage and that wonderful bird! I don't have one of these I can alter, but you sure have inspired me to put building one on my to do list! Stunning work of art! holiday hugs :)

  6. This is a fabulous transformation Astrid, love the colours. Carol x

  7. Wonderful transformation Astrid,this is really stunning. Lovely colour combo too...lucky friend :)

    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  8. Gorgeous altered calendar Astrid! It's much nicer than the original. Cheers, Shirleyxx

  9. a great transformation Astrid - such a clever idea - I love these calendars! Big hugs rachel x

  10. What a fabulous piece of up cycling Astrid fabulous colour and embellishments


  11. Beautiful project, love your calendar house! When I read the title I first thought it said 'House of MOTHS', but I seem to be tired this evening....Blogger is annoying us all with this silly word verification! Valerie

  12. I adore DecoArt products and you have proved why, look at the beautiful colours and textures, would love something like this in my home. Gorgeous as always Astrid:-) xxx

  13. A gorgeous recycled calender Astrid. the textures, details and colours are going to be enjoyed all the year long. So pleased you are in time to share it with us at ATP Exchange.

  14. Really enjoyed this post. Your steps are wonderfully explained. I too love decoart products.

  15. I love how you altered your calendar Astrid! it did look cute as it was - but is SO much more artsy and detailed with all of the textures and lovely pieces attached! (I seem to be having the same thing with blogger about word verification - I have it turned off but I think it shows up!)

  16. Wow! Beautiful project, the textures are amazing Astrid. Thanks for sharing how you made it!

  17. Brilliant makeover, Astrid. You are genius.

  18. What a fabulous transformation!!! Love the time piece!

  19. Wow I love this calendre , much better than the original!!!


  20. It looks amazing Astrid and will be so lovely to look at all year

    Chrissie xx

  21. This is absolut stunning work here again Astrid, and I just absolutely LOVE it. I haven´t seen these calendars here for many many years, even they were very popular back in time, and even I´ve looked in several recyclingstores, I haven´t had any luck there either, but now it seems, they´ll maybe get back if you found this in a store, so hope is back on here now ha ha ha.
    There IS word verification on your blog here now, but I agree Blogger has really behaved badly lately.I´ve suddenly not able to comment on sooo many blogs, I´ve been able to earlier either for some reason.

  22. Well just to let you know, I tryed to just click on publish WITHOUT filling out the wordbox, and my comment were published anyway here Sooo weird.

  23. What a fabulous remake my friend! And you know how I love to remake too!!
    I really love the embellished area at the top- it sets everything off ! Beautiful!

  24. Wow Astrid this is beautiful, I'm getting hooked on the Deco Art range too, and you've used it all perfectly xx

  25. This little calender house is soooo stunning! I love the colors and of course the cacks and all the embellishments! Great inspiration as usual, dear Astrid <3

  26. What a beautiful transformation this is ... Love it!

  27. Fabulous weathered look on the blocks and so much luscious gilding and texture - a brilliant transformation of the blocks. Love these re-usable calendars... I'll have to keep an eye out. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration as always.
    Alison xx

  28. Oh dear, what a fantastic transformation,--- you created a wonderful one of a kind piece, dear Astrid,- gorgeous with the texture and flowers on top.

  29. WHOA...Astrid beautiful done! I agree the calendars we see are "cute" but I always want to alter too. I love your layers of ink and crackle. It reminds me of a stormy day on the coast. Much improved!

    BAD WV...I agree, I don't like it either. It's making me use it. I hope that's not happening on my blog today :/

  30. Utterly amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on the antiquing creams...I've been waiting months for them to be shipped to my local shop. I can only imagine the pleasure you'll have every time you check the might even accidentally on purpose forget that you've already looked! ;)

  31. Wonderfully effective calender house. It is truly magical. xx

  32. Gorgeous Astrid! Love the crackle and the transformation is stunning! Thanks for joining us at ATP Exchange. Sue C x

  33. Blogger is being silly! I noticed it a few days ago and just ignore it and comment as usual! I love you calendar and again the texture and crackle is so rich and beautiful! Love it!

  34. Dear Astrid! I had a tough day at work (although very productive one) and coming here just made it so much better. The crackle and the gorgeous elements are so beautiful.. I'm feeling reignited :) Thank Goodness for you! :)
    Just ignore the numbers... click Publish.. should post your comment ;)
    Ingrid xxx

  35. Wow, how cool, that's a fantastic idea and great piece of art.

  36. Stunning transformation Astrid, love your crackled texture and your sweet little bird.
    Julie x

  37. You've turned that calendar into a real work of art Astrid. Love the texture colours and embellishments, absolutely gorgeous! , Thank you for joining us at the Artist Trading Post Exchange . Toni x Just to let you know the WV is on pesky blogger!

  38. A stunning transformation Astrid! I love all the crackle and antiquing - I would though wouldn't I?!! Gorgeous use of those DecoArt products too. Thanks so much for joining us at ATP Exchange again!
    Hugs, Juliaxx

  39. What a magic transformation Astrid!! Once again the colour is gorgeous (love the translucent white, toned the brilliant blue down so beautifully) and I love the texture and the crackle. A gorgeous gift anyone would treasure!! ox

  40. Not just a mastercrafts woman ..Astrid is the sister of bob the builder...LOL!
    What a brilliant step by step tutorial as well!
    Amazing Alteration dear Astrid!
    Love it!
    Your friend will be so happy with this calendar the whole year long i bet !

  41. Astrid
    This is glorious.
    It was quite nice to begin but it has been transformed to perfection.
    Gorgeous use of the DecoArt products (thanks for your view on the Titanium White as I was wondering if it would be worth having). It has provided a lovely effect here.
    I am sure this calendar now has pride of place - it is what it deserves.

  42. Love the transformation. I had one of these wooden block calendars and I gave it away a few years ago :(


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