
Saturday 13 September 2014

Something a little different

Hi everyone, a big welcome to you all, specially also to several new followers, I am so happy you decided to join me on my crafty journey.

Today I am sharing something a little different. As some of you know I have two little grand daughters, who sadly live at the other end of the world for me, namely in Australia. I went to visit them in July and had the most wonderful time. The oldest, who will turn 2 very soon, had a favourite game that we played together endlessly, -  having a tea party for her dollies. Her mum had the great idea that it would be wonderful to have some toy tea bags to go with the little cups and teapot she has (mum and dad love to drink tea). So for her birthday I made her 10 little play teabags and a little box to keep them in.
Here you can see the little bags in their box. I found several examples on Pinterest and then kind of made up my own thing.
 The box was made from Kraft card and then covered with some bits of paper from the Prima Fairy Rhyme collection. I've been sitting on them for ages, I knew they would come in useful at some point...
 Love how the little flower fairy was just the right size for the box...

I made two different kinds of bags, some of thinner fabric, they look a bit more genuine as you can actually see the "tea" (it's quinoa, again idea from Pinterest). The others are made from slightly more durable calico fabric, I am guessing they may well get wet at some point (she loves playing with water), so should last a bit longer.

Anyway, enough of the doting granny talk... It's also my turn to share a project on the
The Artistic Stamper blog today. Here is the usual sneak peek:
I used a great technique which the wonderful Ingrid Kristina shared recently. If you want to find out more, all you need to do is click HERE

Thanks so much for dropping by here today and have a great weekend!


  1. That's such a sweet idea! love it!

  2. Fabulous Astrid! I play Teddy Bear Tea Parties with my grandson Callum and I think he might just like some tea bags. Thanks for such great inspiration - as always x

  3. Fabulous idea of the play tea bags, I'm sure they will be played with lots. Just been over and visited Artistic Stamper and what a wonderful creation. Must give this a try. Looking forward to Monday. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Das ist ja eine traumhafte Idee und deine kleine Enkeltochter wird es lieben!!!! Wundervoll gearbeitet - wie alles was du machst! Ich wünsche dir ein schönes/Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  5. Beautiful projects, love those little tea bags! Valerie

  6. Love your autumnal project Astrid but the little tea bags and box are just so adorable. Your granddaughter is going to love them and I am sure she will play with them for hours xx

  7. Such a wonderful idea for making play tea bags Astrid! I bet that was a huge hit as a gift and how special to have a play toy that 'grannie' made. Jenny x

  8. What a gorgeous little tea et here Astrid, and what a great idea to make them for her. I´m sure, they´ll be used and used by her. I have a granddaughter, who´s the same, just she´ll make coffee, as we´re all most coffeedrinkers here, so it´s probably why. They tend to copy what we do, so maybe I should think of something like that too, but not soo easy to make I think ha ha ha.
    Your bag is also just gorgeous as everythingyou do hun, and I know, your friend is going to love it too.

  9. Such a great idea to make the tea bags, they are lovely Astrid and the box is just beautiful. Anne x

  10. I'm not sure how I missed this post, but I'm here now. What a wonderful idea to make these cute little tea bags, your grand daughter will be delighted. And she will be the only one who has them so that makes them extra special. Karen.x

  11. What a wonderful sweet idea Astrid,your granddaughter is lucky to have such a talented grandma :)

    Yep Ingrids techniques are the best!

    Donna xxx

  12. What a wonderful idea! I'm sure your little granddaughter will love making "tea" with tea bags her grandmom sent her! It will taste delicious, I'm sure! And, she has a beautiful box to store them in!

  13. A beautiful idea to make tea bags for your grand daughter Astrid. Really sweet and the box is gorgeous too.

    Popped over to AS and loved the bag. Great technique

    See you Monday and enjoy tonight

    Hugs Annie x

  14. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Astrid... What a sweet and thoughtful gift for your little two-year-old granddaughter. I can just imagine her squealing with delight as she opens this! The little fairy box is adorable yet looks very durable for the little hands of a two-year-old! The teabags are such a cute and clever idea.<3 Candy}

  15. Just back from having a look at your lovely autumnal themed gift bag and tag. Absolutely gorgeous! I need to play around with that paper technique. It looks like a lot of fun with some great results! <3 Candy

  16. Oh Astrid, what a wonderful idea,
    The box is so beautiful, with the Flower fairy and lovely papers from Prima, and those tiny tea bags, will be so loved and plaied with !!
    Such a lovely gift for your grandchild.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  17. Two gorgeous projects, love the special one with the tea bags for your grand daughter.

  18. Seems I can`t post over there,
    but your bag is gorgeous, I love the leaves you made and the wonderful autumn feeling .
    Thank you for the link to the tut.
    Dorthe, xox

  19. Oh how I wish I had these little tea bags to play with at my tea party's. It was docking leaves from the garden for our pretend fish and chip teas. So cute.
    Julie x

  20. Beautiful little box with these little teambags. Such a great idea. You are a loveing grandmother. So sweet, so cute.
    Thanks for your inspiration. Happy crafting Anneke.

  21. Beautiful box with those Teabags Astrid, your Granddaughter will love these, will have to wait for the great children to arrive to use this idea..

  22. How sweet! These tiny tag bags are totally adorable. What a great idea and as usual, your crafting is amazing. Such a pretty box to store them in!


  23. Toy Tea bags, what a lovely idea Astrid I am sure your Grand daughter will have great fun playing with these making lots of Tea for her dollies. I love the box, pretty papers. Mo x

  24. Aren't grandchildren the best?! What a grand idea to add "play" tea bags for the tea set! We also "play" tea. I'll have to see what I can whip up! Thanks for sharing your sweet love for your grandchildren!

  25. Wow that is so clever and stylish, I'm sure she'll be thrilled - was one of my favourite games as a small child too x

  26. How cute are those tea bags!! And such a pretty container too! And I loved your pretty gift bag ... It's always great to see new techniques

  27. Those little tea bags are so cute and adorable, your granddaughter is going to be over the moon to receive these. Absolutely gorgeous Astrid!! ox

  28. This is so special and lovely - she will be thrilled to play with with you next chance you have together!


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