
Monday 1 September 2014

My Wish for You Nautical challenge for Countryview Crafts

Hello everyone and for those of you who are here for the second time, hello again.
It being the first of September, several new challenges are starting and at Countryview Crafts the theme, chosen by the lovely Jennie, is "Nautical".
I created a box canvas for my first piece for this challenge:
Now I have to confess, I really struggled with this theme, as really I have no nautical supplies, as it is not a theme that is particularly close to me. I found I did not even have some shells, well other than the rather clumpy one I added in the end.....

So where to start? I rummaged about in my stash and found this little anchor, I also had the little metal embellishment and then I had the netting, a lovely gift from my friend Annie.

Well, I started by adding some random texture using grunge paste to my canvas and when it had dried, painted it with various Paper Artsy Fresco Finish Paints.
I used Ice Blue, Baltic Blue, Mud Splat and a bit of French Roast

After I had the main design set up, it looked very stark so I added Distress Inks in similar colours and did some background stamping to blend it all much more together. I got so caught up in the process that I forgot to take a picture....

I found a lighthouse picture online, printed and then fussy cut it and adhered it to the hill.
Then I arranged my embellishments along the bottom adhering them with gel medium.
I found this lovely quote and generated it on my computer, cut it apart, inked and distressed it and then arranged it in the middle of the canvas.
Now when creating a box canvas, it always is important to cary on the design around the edges too. So I adhered some more netting, some Tissue Tape and did some more background stamping.

I can't say I am totally happy with the final result, I wish I'd had some little shells to add, but time was running short, the weather pretty bad, and sadly there was no time to go to the beach.

Well, there you have it, hope you'll decide to play along with the challenge, all details can be found on the Countryview Challenge Blog, where you can also see the truly stunning pieces my teamies have created.
I decided to dedicate this lovely quote to you, my lovely blogfriends, who always take the time to visit and leave me comments. Thank you for doing so and this is my wish for you!


  1. This is gorgeous,love all the

  2. Lovely canvas, makes me wish for the sea! I can't do a calendar this year, sorry! Valerie

  3. You say you struggled with this one Astrid but I think you nailed it beautifully and that Irish blessing (well think it's that one) is the perfect sentiment.

    B x

  4. All your elements and fabulous textured background have come together beautifully for your nautical canvas Astrid, it's wonderful.
    Have a great week.
    hugs Brenda xx

  5. I too think you nailed the theme perfectly Astrid. Lovely little canvas and the texture, particularly going round the sides is wonderful. My grandchildren had a table full of tiny shells last week when we visited. I must ask them to save me a few......just in case, lol!

    Lesley Xx

  6. Stunning creation as always Astrid,your colours and textures are just amazing


  7. Such a great cover for the canvas box the nautical look.
    greetings, Alie

  8. I don't see any evidence of a struggle here Astrid! I love how you've made such a wonderful little 'scene' on your canvas and you have so many details to discover - always a plus for me. I would not have known where to start on this. The only thing I have is lots of shells and a few stamps!

  9. Wonderful canvas, Astrid. wow, you made excellent piece with limited supplies.... hats off to your imagination. love it.

  10. Hi Astrid, I think this make is so Beautiful... living by the seaside you have captured the scene perfectly I adore the colours, design & Fabulous texture...Hugs May x x

  11. I love the nautical theme and I think you captured it perfectly!! Brilliant canvas!

  12. Astrid, from your tone you don't seem quite happy with the result of your canvas. Well, I think it's wonderful. Very resourceful and well balanced. Thanks for the inspiration. Jean.x


  14. Your finished project is beautiful, Astrid, so not feeling comfortable with the theme doesn't show at all. I love the texture you created and the sentiment is a very beautiful one and dear to all sailors' hearts!

  15. I love this Astrid - and its such a wonderful quote - brilliant design - love the texture - you really are the texture queen! Hugs rachel x

  16. Great canvas Astrid, lovely texture. Happy crafting, Angela x

  17. This is a fabulous canvas Astrid - the colours, textures and the embellishments really give such a nautical feel. And a great quote! Jennie x

    PS Sorry to have given you so much grief !!!

  18. I klove how you used the netting and the tissue, to make interest and wonderful surface,-even on the edges, dear Astrid- so great looking.
    The qoute is beautiful, I love the story told, before my eyes are dragged to the sea, and sweet lighthouse.

  19. I love the way you always manage to rise to the challenge Astrid with limited supplies you have created a beautiful Nautical Canvas, still with plenty of texture and finished it off with a perfect sentiment for the theme.
    You may not be happy with it but I think it is lovely. Mo x

  20. This is really stunning. I love the backround and all the elements. The quote is perfect too.

  21. What a gorgeous scene! Just love the way you made this as well! Gorgeous!

  22. I think it's wonderful, you created a beautiful seaside scene.

  23. This is wonderful Astrid, I love how you've made the background, and this quote is perfect xx

  24. Fantastic, your canvas looks great. Love the texture, the lighthouse and all.

  25. Liebe Astrid, das ist ja ein absoluter Traum. Diese tolle Gestaltung und dazu so wunderbare, postiv stimmende Worte. Ich liebe maritimes sehr und dein Canvas ist ein wirklich toller Blickfang, der beim betrachten gleich gute Laune macht. Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  26. I love the sea and I love your beautiful canvas Astrid, the lighthouse looks three dimensional and I love the anchor and the shell! Anne xx

  27. This is truly amazing! Love everything about this gorgeous work. Hugs, Kerstin

  28. You captured the essence of all things nautical and even managed to make that on-line sourced lighthouse picture look exceptionally 3D.
    Beautiful texture.

  29. Fabulous project and a great quote to go with it.

  30. Beautiful canvas, your textures are lovely and your 3d lighthouse suits it so well.
    Julie x

  31. Hello Astrid,
    Gorgeous texture on this canvas, and although you may have struggled it has developed into a gorgeous piece of Art, I don't care that there are no shells.

  32. You may have struggled with this one Astrid, but you have created a gorgeous bit of art here and I don't feel there is anything missing at all!! It is stunning!! Love the textures and the piece of netting on the side sets it all off beautifully!! Adore this!! ox

  33. Well I love it Astrid. So much wonderful depth and dimension - I can hear the waves crashing! Jenny x

  34. WAUW if this is not very good in your eyes, then I wouldcertainly like to see one that is, cause in my world this is absolutely amazing and so beautiful, and I think you nailed it to perfection Astrid. It is so gorgeous and exactly how I would see the nature in the beach too, and out there nothing is just perfect, but different in every little inch right. I love this.

  35. My first thought was 'Wow!" I then read that like me you don't really have any "nautical" themed supplies - you are such an inspiration that I may just be able to find a way to try this challenge - after all it is a 'challenge'! Chrisx

  36. Hi Astrid it is me again commenting on this other piece that is just standing out and saying enjoy the sea... it is delightful and I can hear the waves crashing against the rocks and the sea gulls screaming for a meal... it takes my back to my childhood with my Great Grandparents in Maine. Love this piece of ART... and for not having supplies you really created a masterpiece... Love it all... you are one magical person... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

  37. Astrid, your canvas is a nautical delight! Love all the sand and sea texture and your arranged elements certainly aren't lacking! Love this! I am working on a tag and have the sandy beach texture, but now you have me thinking sky as well!

  38. Struggled and won methinks Astrid, a beautiful canvas :-) xxx

  39. Stunning memory on summer! As always beautiful really are the queen of textures.

  40. Wowowowo, I adore your canvas in every detail, Astrid

  41. Hi Astrid, wow gorgeous artwork, love the texture. I hope you are doing well, thanks for all your visits while I was buried under with packing/moving/unpacking. I felt so cut off from the world without the Internet for 10 days. My craft room is still in boxes, it needs painting and some more furniture. We still have a ways to go but eventually life should be back to normal but in a different location. Still adjusting to more cars and houses but we really like our new cozy home. Take good care, Hugs, Shirleyxx

  42. You've created a wonderful piece of art here. Sometimes not having the supplies results in us doing our best work. Who needs shells when you've got that great rocky coastline. Reminds me of the rocks along the coast in the northeast. Lovely piece! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  43. Gorgeous, Astrid!! I LOVE your final result, even without the shells :) This is a beautiful scene and you've captured a rocky seaside cliff perfectly! I swear I can hear the horn of the lighthouse now!! XOXO-Shari T.

  44. Absolutely fabulous my friend!! xoxo

  45. Love this mini canvas! i adore the nautical theme and your piece is absolutely stunning! wonderful! barbarayaya

  46. Love this mini canvas! i adore the nautical theme and your piece is absolutely stunning! wonderful! barbarayaya

  47. Love how you've built up the textures - and the grungy decaying embellishments. Fabulous improvising with the nautical bits and bobs to hand!
    Alison xx


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