
Sunday 3 August 2014

Blog friends are the best!!

When I was in Australia recently I was lucky enough to meet my wonderful blog friend Heather Jacobs
for the first time in real life. Not only did we spent the most fabulous day together, we had arranged to do a swap and I received the most amazing gifts from Heather:
Heather and I in front of the wonderful restaurant where we had lunch together with her lovely husband Baden.

Having the best of times inside the restaurant.
 Below are some photos of the wonderful gifts I received:
A beautifully decorated gift bag

A stunning tag holder and tag

The most touching and poetic message inside, with all of Heather's special touches.

The tag and holder from the inside

A view of all the beautiful layers on the front.
Now if that was not enough, Heather also made the most stunning birthday card for me, even though my birthday is not until October.

The most gorgeous holder, just look at all those layers again!!
If you don't know Heather's amazing work, do check out her blog, and if you want to see what I made for Heather, you can see it on her blog by clicking HERE.

But my story of wonderful blog friends still goes on. Some of you may have seen the work of some Dutch crafters using an incredible product called Bister.

Now the amazing thing is, that while in Australia, another blog friend Anneke Voskuil from Anneke's Card Art contacted me to say she would get me some of this and send it to me as a gift, and all of this just in response to me having left a comment on her blog. Now I ask you, how kind is that? Eight little packets arrived just the day after I returned from Australia and included was this beautiful tag made by Anneke and of course it uses Bister for the background.

I just love the effect of the Bister on the background!

Well of course I had to have a play with it straight away and below you can see the card for Anneke to say thanks. Both the background and the little sea horse were made using Bister.

I had great fun doing this, but did realize that I need a lot more practice!!!

Now I cannot finish this post without mentioning one other wonderful blog friend, Anne Redfern, also known as Redanne. Anne and I met a little while back and will soon meet again. Anne makes the most amazing ATBs, if you have not seen them check them out, here is a link to just one of them, but there are many more on her blog.
Well just before I left for Australia, Anne sent me two packs of extra thick card to make ATBs with, how amazingly kind was that??? I cannot wait to start to play with it and make some more ATBs, ha, I might even combine it with using Bister.

So what more can I say,, but BLOG FRIENDS ARE THE BEST!!!

Thank you so much Heather, Anneke and Anne, I cannot tell you how much your gifts are appreciated!!!


  1. You certainly have some wonderful blog friends - thanks for sharing the pictures

  2. Fabulous gifts exchanged, adore the detailed, now following Heather as well! Lovely post and fabulous photos, thanks for sharing Astrid. Off to find out more about Bister having heard it mentioned on a few blogs recently. x

  3. Wonderful gifts from your friends, and great to be able to meet up with them. It is good to have friends, that's for sure! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Wonderful makes, wonderful gifts, wonderful friends. Nikki xx

  5. Hi Astrid... What a beautiful post you sure have some amazing blog-friends... the gifts are so Beautiful..Lovely for you to meet up too...enjoy!! Hugs May x x

  6. Having friends like this is a great gift you should and actually do cherish. Have a wonderful time practising with Blister, very curious to see what you come up with

  7. What a kind and precious gifts Astrid! What a lovely friendships!
    Have a great Sunday, Alie

  8. How wonderful to meet a blog friend and get presents as well Astrid. So pleased that you enjoyed it

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Wonderful gifts from wonderful friends for another wonderful friend. I can only agree, that internet friends and especially crafty ones are the best friends anyone can get, and thanks god for these wonderful people, that´s still around. But you sure deserve it all, as you´re always such a wonderful friend yourself Astrid.
    Have a great week ahead everyone.

  10. Wonderful gifts from great friends.. how lovely that you got to meet up.
    Suzi B xx

  11. What a wonderful heartwarming post Astrid! Blog friends are amazing. Heather's gifts are stunning and so is your wonderful seahorse card for Anneke! I am so looking forward to meeting up with you again (thanks for the shout out)soon!! Hugs, Anne xx

  12. Blog friends are so wonderful. xxxx

  13. blog buddies really are the best Astrid - wonderful gifts and makes too! Looks like a great time! Big Hugs rachel x

  14. How wonderful Astrid,the gifts are amazing. I have only been blogging for a short while but have already met some wonderful,kind hearted people,we have such a great community spirit going on.

    Will check out those blogs you mentioned,I love finding new eye candy!

    Donna xx

  15. Stunning keepsake gifts Astrid. Must check out this bister never heard of it but liking the effect from it.
    Julie x

  16. Wonderful gifts and makes, can only imagine the good times you had to meet up with them.

  17. Such wonderful gifts and what a fabulous opportunity to meet up with Heather. You must feel on top of the world with all of this. You're right, blog friends are the best. Jenny x

  18. I was reading your post Astrid. And as I scrolled down I saw this tag. At a second look I thought well this looks like my tag. Brains can react slow. I am very happy to see the tag you made. Cannot wait until I can touch and see it for real. It really looks wonderful Astrid. Love the way you put the sentiment along the see horse.Thank you Anneke xxx.

  19. Such talent! Beautiful and thoughtful gifts!

  20. So many beautiful projects, I don't know where to begin!!
    I have been busy creating but so much half completed stuff laying around!!
    I too love Bister, my friend Hemine Koster makes many beautiful things with it. I love your projects using it, such a rich background ahd so textural. I think Brusho is a close product to the Bister.

  21. What a delightful post Astrid. We really have a commonwealth of friends from other countries and there is nowhere crafters can't reach. Beautiful work from all your friends and now I must pop over and see their creations. Anne R is the kindest crafter I know and I too am looking forward to our next meet. Love your work using Buster, not that I know what it is. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  22. Wow, what a fabulous post, such lovely gifts Astrid. Love you bister tag, you say you need more practise ,ha you should see my brusho efforts LOL,

  23. What wonderful friends! Your gifts from Heather are fantastic! I love Heather's work. Your thank you card is beautiful, but I have to ask what Bister is. I've not heard of it. But, how wonderful to have been gifted some!

  24. What gorgeous gifts you received and now you have me totally intrigued as to what Bister is!
    I mentioned on Heather's blog when she mentioned your visit...that I love both yours and Heather's work and it just made me happy that IRL you should meet and be friends!!

  25. A truly lovely and heartwarming post Astrid!! So happy for both you and Heather that you had the chance to meet and spend some time together and the gorgeous gifts you exchanged must have been the icing on the cake!! Have never heard of Bister but the tag from your friend Anneke looks awesome and your return gift is just as gorgeous!! So pleased you had a wonderful time away and that you have arrived back home safe and sound!! ox

  26. Blogging friends are the best! Astrid, you received such lovely gifts and memories to treasure! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Sunday.

  27. Must have been a wonderful trip ! You have been spoiled but you probably deserve it !
    Corrie x

  28. How fun to meet your blog friends!! The gifts you received are beautiful! Hugs!

  29. Oh you have the most wonderful and talented blogfriends for sure! Amazing to see all this and thank you for sharing Astrid!

  30. How nice that you two got to meet. Your gifts are wonderful & I love your tag. Must investigate bister.........

  31. Your blog friends are wonderful. The gifts are very pretty.
    I have also met my blog friend recently, while on holidays at my mums, in our hometown.

  32. How blessed are you and they Astrid! Lovely to see these wonderful gifts and your meetup with Heather. She is so so talented! Must check out this bister stuff. Yes, Anne R is an absolute sweetheart. Nicola x

  33. How lovely that you were able to meet up with Heather while you were here in Australia. All of your gifts are so beautiful. I love your Seahorse tag made with Bister, I did a search but had trouble finding what I think would be the product used. Thanks for sharing your lovely gifts and your own art.

  34. Astrid I do adore your art. You are so talented. Always a pleasure to see what you created !!
    How nice that you had the option to meet up with your blog friends. And also that you received the lovely gifts pr mail. They knew giving it to you they would come to good use. But as other mentioned above : we NEED to know what this BLISTER is ?? It looks amazing. Hope you will use it soon again and explain what it is and where to get it ... Please ?????
    Now I'll go and check out the blogs you provided links for.... More inspiration..... And less time to create.. Lol
    Thank you again for sharing your heartwarming story.
    Hugs from SPAIN

  35. Oh wow! so beautifull artwork! I also met one of my dearest blog friend and Soulsister this summer. It was amazing!

  36. so glad you had a wonderful time in Australia and you had a chance to meet Heather Jacob in real life, love all the gifts you exchanged as well glad you made it home safely too :)

  37. What a wonderful post celebrating the joys of crafty friendships... Amazing creations by Heather - the birthday card is just wonderful (will you put it away until August? I don't think I could bear to!). And how exciting to have some Bister to play with - I've been seeing it all over the Dutch blogs too. Lovely work from Anneke, and a lovely card to thank her too. Looking forward to lots more Bister treats!
    Alison xx

  38. Oh Astrid what a lovely post and such beautiful creations!! I adore your birthday card and I hopped over to each blog to take a look ... gorgeous photos from you and your friend ... So glad you had a wonderful time ... I've never heard of Bister ... but I know in your particular craft it will be a joy to you ... so kind of your Dutch friend ... Enjoy your day!

  39. Hi Astrid, what a wonderful post (they all are), and how much fun it is to meet a blog friend. I was lucky to do the same in the Netherlands last year. The gifts she gave you are stunning and I will visit her blog. I've been curious about the Bister as well and will check it out next time I'm in Europe. Love your tag, it's stunning. Thanks for your kind words of support, Shirleyxx

  40. Back to tell you how gorgeous your gift to Heather is. Your work is so inspiring xx

  41. awwww my Beautiful friend Astrid ... what a fabulous post .. and such works of art from your friends ... love this arty world .. we are all so lucky ... miss you already gorgeous, until we meet again we will just have to be happy with FB and blogging ... love you Astrid xoxoox

  42. Astrid, Thank you for sharing such a wonderful and uplifting post! Yes, the artist blog world may be great but the heartfelt goodness that comes from it,is just the same~

  43. Glad to hear, that you've had a wonderful time with your blogfriend and the Swap really seems to be a great one.
    Love your play with the Bistre.

  44. Friendship is such a treasure! You and Heather celebrate it in a so amazing way! Thank you Astrid for sharing... and I probably do miss something as "Bister" is still a mystery for me...

  45. Astrid
    Such a lovely blog post sharing the beautiful of friendship.
    So special for you and Heather to meet during your trip to Australia and all those gifts she created for you, beautiful, beautiful treasures.
    I have been trying to source Bister in the U.K. with no success at the moment. The effects have transfixed me as has happened once again as I look at your beautiful creations using Bister for those magical backgrounds.
    How thoughtful of Anne to send you the cardstock you required.

  46. Oh my!!!! Astrid you and Heather are the cream of the crop when it comes to creating. Your work is just BEAUTIFUL as is Heather's. Those makes for each other are just divine. How wonderful you met up whilst in Australia. What wonderful memories you will both have. Thanks for sharing this special moment with us all. Karen.x

  47. What a delightful post!! What beautiful art work all away around!
    Sandy xx

  48. What a nice post with wonderful blogfriends (I´ve seen it over at Heather´s blog too)and the gifts are beautiful! Bister looks great, but I think it´s only available in the Netherlands? Great use of it from you too!

  49. What a super day you had! Off to check out their blogs... their artwork sure is beautiful.


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