
Sunday 6 July 2014

My little gift to you

Hello everyone,
I know I said it was going to be quiet round here, and now it is actually quite busy...
Well, my suitcase is packed and I still had some time left to play, so decided to create a freebie for those of you that like them, so here you are, hope you like it, you can use it in whatever way you like, as long as you don't sell the sheet as such.
I have made single files and a collage sheet. Enjoy and happy crafting!


  1. Thank you dear Astrid! This is such a great freebie again from you!
    I love the tag below too.. it's enourmous elegant in my mind! So pretty !

  2. These are really lovely Astrid and you are so very generous with your talents. Have a super trip and enjoy yourself. Safe journey! Margie x

  3. Hi Astrid! Thank you so much. How kind! These freebies are gorgeous!

    I hope you have a safe journey! Take care! Ingrid x

  4. Astrid, thanks so much for sharing these - they're lovely. Jean.x

  5. Thanks so much Astrid for sharing your little beauties once again.
    Safe journey xx Jan

  6. Gorgeous... Thank you Dear Astrid..Hugs May x x

  7. WOUW thanks so very much for these beauties here Astrid, they´re absolutely stunning.
    Have a wonderful and safwe trip, and enjoy the time with you lovely family.

  8. Thank you Astrid, these are gorgeous as usual.
    Have a wonderful trip, see you when you gat back :)
    Suzi B xx

  9. Thanks Astrid, these will do me good service just now with my arm in plaster. Have a great holiday! Hugs, Valerie

  10. They are all very beautiful Astrid and it is very kind of you to offer them!

    Have a wonderful holiday! Hugs, Anne xx

  11. Wow Astrid these are lovely. Thank you so much for sharingxx

  12. Oh wow - so fantastic freebies - thank you so much for sharing dear Astrid. Hugs, Dagmar

  13. Thank you for the goodies, they are lovely. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time in Melbourne with your family. Pity that you weren't coming to Sydney, the Sydney Stampers Luncheon is on the 20th, it would've been lovely to catch up. Maybe some time in the future.

  14. Beautiful freebies Astrid. Thank you so much for letting us have them too. Have a great time with the family and get lots of cuddles from the babes. See you when you get back. Still got some packing to do. Hugs Rita xxx

  15. Maravilhoso, lindo. Obrigada por compartilhar.
    Amo seu trabalho.

  16. Astrid, you are so very sweet to do this! Thank you so very much! xoxo

  17. Wow you have been busy Astrid, these are gorgeous designs. Wishing you the most wonderful holiday with your family, I am looking forward to seeing some photos xx

  18. Absolutely beautiful - THANK YOU so much for your generosity Astrid xx

    Safe journey :-)

    IKE in Greece xxx

  19. Thank you so much for the Gorgeous
    papers......That is so kind of you......

  20. A wonderful gift as always Astrid--thank you

    Love Chrissie x

  21. Thank you for generously sharing your gorgeous work.

  22. Thanks for the freebies :) Enjoy the trip to Australia and the time with your grand children.

  23. THANK YOU Astrid, love what you have created. Have a fun trip:-) xxx

  24. A very beautiful gift! Thank you.
    Safe travels.

  25. Stunning x you are so generous

    Hugs Annie x

  26. Thanks so much. :) enjoy your time in Aussie xx


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