
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Venting my frustration and some mixed media fun...

Hi everyone and thanks for dropping in today. I am going to start by sharing a journal page with you:
I had great fun doing this page and it's actually going to be my contribution to Tim' June tag. The original can of course be seen HERE. Absolutely nothing like the original, so that's where the frustration bit mentioned in the title of this post started....

I started off in good faith following Tim's techniques, but my results were awful!! No matter how hard I tried, I just did not get anything remotely like what I was after. I tried on many different substrates and with many different colours, here are just some of them:

I think part of it was perhaps due to the fact that I don't have the new minis yet and so I was using large (and rather old) ink pads. Anyway, I got more and more fed up and finally picked one and turned it into a tag I absolutely hated. Here it is:
This was the second attempt, the first one landed in the bin. I hate this one just as much but decided to keep it, even though as you can see by now I was in a pretty silly mood, I just kept it, because I want to have a complete set of tags and at least it fits kind of in with the others, all created with a size 8 tag on top of a size 10:

Ok so I could have left it there, but then I decided to play some more, this time in my journal. I also wanted to see whether the technique would perhaps work with Distress Paints rather than inks, and it did!!
I started with 3 colours of Distress paint, Antique Linen, Pumice Stone and Tumbled Glass and created a light background with the help of lots of water and some baby wipes. Next I used the stars stencil with the same three colours of paint. I dabbed them straight onto the stencil, sprayed lightly with water and then pressed down on the paper just like Tim shows. (I cleaned the stencil up straight away, this is obviously very important) Next I used three colours with Distress Inks, Pumice Stone, Tumbled Glass and Gathered Twigs on the Harlequin stencil. I think my practice had paid off a little because the result is not too bad I think.

I added some more normal stenciling with Pumice Stone in two opposite corners, using the Lattice Work stencil. Next came some background stamping and further stenciling:
I also added some strips of tissue tape.

Lastly I added one of my discarded try out tags and some vocal stamping using the Mercantile set:
Below you can see some close ups still:
The sentiment is from the Way with Words set. I cut the individual words out and then added shadows round the edges to make them pop a bit more against the background.

The vocal stamps were first stamped straight onto the background and then again on smooth card, cut out and coloured with Distress Inks.

Well there you have it, trial and error, but I am now glad I did not give up....

Thank you for visiting and I hope you are having a sunny week!!


  1. I think you must have OCD I didn't see anything wrong with any of your creations.

  2. Fantastic projects Astrid! Love all the inky goodness and variety of color palettes! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I think you are being way too hard on yourself. I have been taking Tim's tag classes a couple times a year. Our classes are a year behind, but no matter how hard I try, my tags look different from his. I think that is called your own creativity. Your work is beautiful and just enjoy, don't give up, I love it and can't wait to see more, Char

  4. Love the finished result but think the 6 tags at the beginning have made fabulous backgrounds to start from. I'll be surprised if you don't go back to them and make some wonderful creations another day. Back to your 'tag' entry, perfect use of stencils, really do love everything about this page, wonderful Astrid! Ruth x

  5. I think your work is beautiful as it is! Hugs, Valerie

  6. It's good to know you struggle too sometimes, as your finished work always looks amazing. The journal page is exquisite, and the rejected tag on it looks great. I don't really feel I can offer you tips but I found this helpful on Tim's tag.... Use watercolour paper, lightly spritzed the paper before taking the paper to the inked and spritzed tag. I inked my stencil with cut and dry form. Nikki xxxx

  7. And I say as Nikki, nice to know, what you too sometimes have troubles making things the way you wish too, but it certainly ended up just perfect, and it looks even über amazing I must say. Stunning projects Astrid. sooo beautiful.

  8. Like many before me I think you are being too hard on yourself but then we are all our own worst critics! What a great way of turning it all around and using your paints instead. You've created a wonderful journal spread with the detail and intensity of colour I think you were after. Thank you as ever for sharing your highs and lows to inspire us all. Jenny x

  9. Eine großartige Seite, und die Tags sind einfach Spitze!


  10. We are indeed our own worse critics Astrid.

    For me this post is packed with lovely inkiness and the journal cover is glorious, one of my favorite colour combos and the 'rays' mask is one I love using.

    B x

  11. I too, think you are being a little hard on yourself, but I also understand that you want it to 'feel' right - I know how that one feels!! Your tag is wonderful, I love that phrenology head. Your journal page is stunning and it is good to know that the technique works well with the paints! Hugs, Anne xx

  12. All of the tags look amazing to me but I am sure you have your standards and I know how it feels to not be happy about some things even though mine don't reach your standard ever lol.

    The page is terrific and the background so well set out.

    Hope all goes well for you today :)

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. I admire it. This is a wonderfully made :)))

  14. Lovely projects Astrid...stunning colours and textures you are a great inspiration


  15. Hello Astrid,
    We all have these days, and we all solve them differently, but in the struggle of trying to be too perfect we come to realise that what we are doing when we play, is creating ART. The journal page is the wonderful result of you playing and trying to perfect a technique, the Tags to me are fabulous and you will use them in the future as great Bg's and add
    to. Just sit on them for awhile and you will view them differently.

  16. I think you do probably need those mini inks for this technique. I only have the bigger ones and it was a bit of a struggle and in the process I turned a nice orange ink pad into one with green stripes,so not happy!

    Your journal page is absolutely fab and to be honest so are all your 'discarded' tags Astrid!

    Donna x

  17. Inner critic go away!!! All your tag backgrounds look amazing, i do understand however the need to perfect a technique so you can move on to the next challenge.

    It is our good luck that we get to see your frustration and subsequent amazing backgrounds that some of us would love to achieve lol.

    Stunning projects as usual Astrid:-) xxx

  18. looks wonderful to me Astrid!!! xx

  19. breathtaking and magical , love love love x

  20. Your journal page is beautiful, Astrid. I think you got the hang of the stencil printing. I do think that takes some practice. I often wonder how many tags Tim goes through before he gets the effect he wants!

  21. Your tags are for me all great, -I have not read about the tecnique to use ,so I can`t tell other, than I alwayes think you makes amazing pieces, dear Astrid.Your tag chosen for the page is wonderful, and I love the effect of the tissue paper and your added words inbetween.Beautiful with the stenciling in beige an turquise !!
    Hugs, Dorthe

  22. Astrid, your frustrations turned out wonderful! I love all the texture on your journal page and the layering of the images! Now the tag is fun and pretty darn amazing! Hugs!

  23. Oh dear - even the Phrenology head looks downcast on your tag! So sorry to hear about your run of frustration - but what a reward for perseverance! The journal page is really gorgeous - colours I love, of course, and so much texture from those layered paints and stamping. Love it!
    Alison xx
    (I saw some tags based on the June one which made me nearly fall over for their sheer beauty, so now I'm feeling completely stymied - can't even start!)

  24. Oh - and I was so happy to see you featured over at Marjie's for her new Texture Tuesday slot - yay! xx


  26. You are being too hard on yourself Astrid ! I love your tag and your journal...WOW !!! Fabulous ! The colour combination is stunning !
    Corrie x

  27. Wow Astrid you've been very creative - fantastic projects.

  28. Fantastic pages, you got it big style, it looks awesome. Can understand your feeling with the tag, but to me it looks great as it does to all of us. We are our own worst critics.

  29. I think they're ALL wonderful!

  30. LOL I didn't and couldn't see anything wrong but I completely understand that it wasn't working as you planned and when that is the case then you have to follow your heart and what incredible results.
    The use of the sentiment is quite brilliant, it brings amazing energy to the page. So glad you included the detail photographs so I could fully absorb all those wonderful details you always include in each and every piece of art you create.

  31. Think this journal page is fab (just like all your pieces! ) and I'm sure you'll be able to use the remaining tags up easily once you've had a day or two away from them. I nearly always get frustrated with my crafting but I often give up then return a few days after.

  32. Astrid, I'm glad you had a hard time with the first tags since it got you to make the journal page which is stunning.
    BTW: I can tell you the monoprinting technique is easier with the minis because you get more ink on the layering stencil. Also, never underestimate the amount of water needed (I know that from my own trial and error), some of your first tags just needed more water. Again, the journal page with the distress paint is stunning, glad you shared that with us.

  33. Another wonderful creation!! Love it!!

  34. I love reading your highs and lows on your creations Astrid, it makes mere mortals like me realise we are not alone at having to try several times to get things how we want them to look. I love your journal page, all the combined stencils look great with the rescued mechantile tag topper, I like the sentiment too. I am sure we will see some of the other tags rescued and made good in future projects. Your tag made me giggle also with the ribbon bow on the bald phrenology head, I like the fun aspect of this tag, and it still looks good to me. Mo x

  35. I love it all... you are being to hard on yourself Astrid...for me your work is always fantastic.. love the tags & journal page...I adore the sentiment too... Hugs May x x

  36. I enjoyed reading all the things behind this efforts Astrid!
    What is the resume now?
    I think:
    Make more Journal Pages !

    No.. . that's nonsense- don't take my words seriously...
    that tag is fab in my mind...
    as gorgeous as all the other of this set are!

    for me it plays most of the time in exact this way you described-ever when I try out a for me new technique it turned out to something completely different as the "teacher" shows..
    but I take this with humor..

    that's my way.. and maybe-sometimes I say it to me to comfort me, this is exactly what art is... we have to find our own ways and techniques..
    we don't want to make things like thousands of others do ...
    Am I right?!

  37. This is really fabulous!! I love your colour choices ... that vibrant blue is perfect! So glad you didn't give up!

  38. Oh my, Astrid, your patience paid off! Your journal page turned out beautifully, and I think your tags looked really good too. You are too hard on yourself, like most of us, I'm sure. TFS your awesome work with us!

  39. Oh my, Astrid, your patience paid off! Your journal page turned out beautifully, and I think your tags looked really good too. You are too hard on yourself, like most of us, I'm sure. TFS your awesome work with us!

  40. I really love you allow us to share your searching way with highs and lows in your artwork, Astrid! After reading you maybe my bin will be less full! Try to make something with my unfortunate... things. I would join Paula when she says "more water" needed, and trying the june Tim's tag, I thought later than maybe I should put water ALSO on my tag (like working watercolour (?) I mean "aquarelle"... Thanks for sharing!

  41. LOL... wish you could hear me laughing.. not at you.. but with you...

    I went thru the exact same thing... I used too little ink then too much water... and finally after 38 tries I FINALLY got the technique down...

    I did it so many times that I still have background paper to use for the next year.. .LOL... you were not alone...

    Anyway... all that put aside... Your journal page and all your TAGS are wonderfully created and done with the Astrid touch... so have no fear... all is well!!!!

    I have also found out that using the smaller ink pads does make a world of difference and also adding more water too... Try it a few more times... you will get it... Your work is wonderful no matter what...

    enjoy it all...
    Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

  42. Astrid, you are way too hard on yourself!! This is stunning!!! Even those tags you say didn't work, I'll bet you resurrects them and come up with something brilliant!! Love this page! It is gorgeous!! ox

  43. I always look forward to your beautiful art, dear Astrid and you never fail to amaze me with your lovely work! This is simply gorgeous! Bravo!

  44. The tags are fab- don't doubt yourself. I've been using large pads- I guess the smaller ones are easier! Your page is just stunning! x

  45. I LOVE the journal page. I've been doing my "tags" as ATC's, but I REALLY like this journal page idea!Somehting to think about for next year...

  46. This is gorgeous! I absolutely adore what you have created.

  47. I am so glad you persevered Astrid as your Journal page is stunning - love it!


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