
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pet hate or what's your least favourite???

Hello everyone and sorry for the horrible title, I just don't seem to be able to think of any good ones....
In any case, a warm welcome and thank you for visiting. So where did the post title come from? Well I'll tell you the reason in a minute, or reasons rather. The first one has to do with colour. You see, without a doubt, red is my least favourite colour to use in any project. But today on my travels through blog land I noticed that the theme at Fun with ATCs challenge 81 is something red. Now I have not made an ATC in months and months and I thought, hmmm that could be a fun challenge, ATCs usually don't take too long (gosh I quite forgot how tiny they really are) and nothing like a challenge to take you out of your comfort zone. So here you are, a love themed ATC with a pet hate colour.

I started with a bright red bit of card, Spritzt some postbox red and black Dylusions over it, and then added some bits of collaged old text paper. The lady is a Graphics 45 stamp which I once got as a freebie, I think it's from the Le Cirque collection.

So now to my other pet hate, I am going to write this in bold as I hope you will read it:

A blog friend just told me about an ebay shop where someone is SELLING my freebies, yep, just lifted just as they are and selling them. But not just mine, also from Lilac -n-Lavender and probably from the Graphics Fairy and others also. 

I really hate people who do this sort of thing, but if you are interested, have a look: La Luna

Anyway, thank you for visiting and don't worry, people like this are not going to stop me from making my freebies!


  1. Oh Astrid! You did a nice job with the red ATC...lovely bits of dimension and texture. I shall have to try some ATC's because I do love tiny things. Thank you again for the inspiration!

    Regarding the have a much better attitude than I. Bless your heart for being so forgiving.

  2. You have probably all ready written to the snarky person and have reported her to ebay. People are so ruthless in making money off the backs of other's. I have experienced this too. I go after them with no mercy.

  3. I'm outraged about the La Luna thing - the internet offers us windows onto whole new worlds, and contact and communication with like-minded people, and generosity like yours with the freebies, and yet there are people whose only use for it is to trick, bully and con others... Outraged!

    On to lovelier things - fabulous work on your pet-hate colour ATC!! Really moody and atmospheric... I have to concede that red has a certain drama to it, and you've definitely captured that here! Fantastic to have you play along with us at Fun With ATCs.
    Alison xx

  4. The red has worked beautifully Astrid, it can be such a difficult colour to work with but you have been bold and made it the dominant colour which is strong and striking but tempered with the image and other elements you have added, well done.

    I hope Ebay take this person out of circulation and stop them from profiting from your's and other's hard work and generosity. This sort of thing really bugs me!!!!!

    hugs {brenda} x0x

  5. That's terrible about your freebies!

    Love your ATC.

  6. I have just wound all my lace onto the ribbon spool you so generously gave us for free.Thank you so much.They look so pretty it's terrible to think that someone would try to make money from your generosity. Dee xx

  7. Your ATC is gorgeous Astrid. Red may not be your favourite colour but you work really well with it.
    As for the person who 'stole' your freebies and is trying to profit from them, that's really horrid. Now that they are found out I don't think they will last too long. We are all outraged for you. God Bless. ox Marg

  8. Your art is so beautiful and you are so generous by sharing with us this lovely freebies, that I have no words to express how sorry I am with this theft.

  9. A great ATC especially seeing as you don't like using red.Great images and i love the layering up.Thanks for joining us at Fun with ATC's

  10. Such a beautiful site, inspiring... and so generous with your freebies. Many thanks for your generosity. Sorry to hear about the less than honest people in the world!
    I have scheduled a post later in the month for my blog to mention your Mini Album, I thought it very colourful.
    btw, if you're interested I found your site via PinInterest.
    Warm Wishes

  11. being a non red girl too, I think the red looks fab!
    regards the other..well..some people are just dis honest! not nice..hugs trace x

  12. Beautiful ATC.

    Sorry to hear someone is selling your stuff-well we won't be buying it for sure.

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. I'm sorry to hear someone is selling your freebies but if someone can profit without having to do anything they will - sad but true (obviously not right either!)Hope you can get it sorted.
    Your ATC is super...think you did a good job considering it's a colour you don't like working with.

  14. Love your ATC, so pretty!! I am horrified someone is doing this to you and others - I am sure there is a seller linked to this one in the USA too. You have a right to report this to ebay and my goodness I know it probably won't stop it happening again, but at least 'this' one for now.

  15. I wouldn't know you hate red from your ATC, Astrid - you've overcome your aversion magnificently.

    And make sure you report those thieving B******S to ebay!

  16. Your ATC is awesome Astrid, absolutely stunning work, and if you hadn´t said so, I would never have guessed, you didn´t like red, that´s for sure. It´s fabulous.
    About that stealing b...h, I admit, I sure wouldn´t be this forgiving either, but go for her in every way I could. This is just the lowest form of stealing there is, and simply so ruud, that she really should be reported and stopped right away, even I know, it probably wount be the last, but at least as one said here too, she´ll be stopped here and ow and hopefully it´ll send a message to others, that stealing just don´t pay of in the long run. This is just soo low and unacceptable.

  17. Love the Atc Astrid, red is one of my fave colours, so love, love it!.I'm sorry to read about the theft of your dishonest!..make sure you report her to the relevant authorities. I love your freebies and like Peggy, I also printed your spools out and have my lace, ribbon and embroidery thread all neatly wound on them..I keep them in see through plastic shoe boxes, so can see them. They are so colourful..:)..Please carry on with your freebies because we all love them. (And speaking for myself as a pensioner, they save me a lot of money buying bps!)..Have a great

  18. I love the red on this card, it's so dramatic the way you've done it.

    So sorry about the b---h on eBay. I hate it when someone shares, and others profit by stealing from them. One of mine is on the Spellbinders site, and it wasn't an accident. It was a Spellbinders Designer, who claimed it as her own, even though I have tons of emails with her about it before she published it.

    You are so generous with your designs, and even though I don't use them myself because I sell my cards in a tiny gift shop, I do love looking at them. It's terrible that she is doing this.

  19. Dear Astrid,
    Is there news about that La Luna? I truly hope there is a way of getting her out of selling on E-bay or other sites.I have tried to find her on Etsy ,too, but no luck!!!

    Your red ATC is great, love the shine from the "heart" - a wonderful Valentine ATC. But isen`t it funny that ,like you I don`t create with red, even I love wearing reddish coloured clothes, as it also seems you do !

  20. You did a great job of working with the hated colour red and on an ATC as well.

    As for the individual who is lifting your freebies, they should be removed from ebay.

  21. I read about this awful person selling your designs for profit on Facebook, disgusting, spoils it for everyone.

    Loving your gorgeous ATC, hugs Annette x

  22. Das ATC ist wunderschön und perfekt mit dem tollen Dame-Stempel und der schönen Schrift.

    Astrid, lassen Sie es sich nicht gefallen, dass geldgierige Menschen aus Ihren Ideen Gewinn machen, versuchen Sie, so etwas zu verbieten!
    Liebe Grüße.

  23. Beautiful card Astrid. How tacky of Le Luna to sell stolen art. It amazes me how stupid people can be. Sorry that you and others are having to endure this. Huge hug across the miles

  24. I hate those parasites, too ... :-(

    Your ATC is lovely, though. Very beautiful. Thanks a lot for joining us at Fun with ATCs, hope to see you again over there.

  25. Love your red ATC very much, Astrid!

    The 3D adds so fantastically!!! Thank you for sharing this with us at FwATCs!


    Claudia ;)

  26. I love all of your projects Astrid and appreciate how you share your techniques with us.

    I am thoroughly disgusted at the ebayer selling your (and others) freebies. Is there anything that we as your followers can do to help stop this fraud? If so please let us know.

    Michelle xx

  27. Love your red atc Astrid, I hope you will stop that person selling your designs, you are so generous with your freebies it is awful that someone would do that to you


  28. Red is my! Funny how that is! This atc is gorgeous to me!!!

  29. Wow - it´s so fantastic!!! I love it so much!

  30. Oh Astrid! I am DISGUSTED by this person who clearly has no morals at all. As you say I recognise many of the items 'for sale' as having previously been posted by others as freebies. I hope ebay and others are now aware that this person is acting so dishonestly.
    As for your ATC, it's a triumph in crimson. You'd never know this is a colour you are not a fan of. Hugs to you as ever, Jenny x


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