
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Running behind myself....

Hello everyone and thank you so much for visiting.
All of this month I have been meaning to make a calendar for myself, and every time I get side tracked into other projects, but finally I have completed at least my page for January.....
The paper and image I used are from the Graphics 45 Place in Time 12 x 12 collection, but then I  added stamping, inking and embossing to make it more my own. The actual calendar bit was down loaded from
Call Me Victorian
Here is another photo and I will add more pages as I finish them....what with work and DT stuff I have not nearly as much time to just make things for myself as I would like sadly.....still, no use complaining.
I put the side and bottom through a little embossing folder that came as a freebie with a card making magazine. I highlighted the raised bits with some Treasure Gold in Pewter.The stamped snowflakes are from Our Daily Bread designs and I embossed them with Wow powder in white. The other stamps (script and clock) I have had in my stash for ages and I have no idea anymore where they came from, all the edges were inked with Vintage Photo and Chipped Sapphire Distress Inks.


  1. This is really nice Astrid!

  2. So lovely!! Sometinmes those little folders are very useful!! Don't work too hard Astrid.

  3. Lovely calendar page Astrid. x

  4. Oh, this is sensational, Astrid! Love the colors and textures, must try incorporating some Chipped Sapphire because I really love the look you have achieved here. Super extra touches with the embossing and stamping and the vintage image is lovely!


  5. So beautiful, Astrid... the papers are already lovely, but your additions really make them sing. The snowflakes are gorgeous (both types of embossing - that tiny folder is a treat!), and I love the shadowy text. Gorgeous! And I'm so glad you found some time for something for you...
    Alison x

  6. Love the place in Time by G45 and I really love how you made it your own. The embossing and stamping enhances the papers beautifully. Fabulous! ox Marg

  7. This is going to be a stunning calendar, I know. Your January page is just beautiful!!

  8. Wow this is absolutely wonderful Astrid.
    Fantastic design. Love them.

  9. Love this vintage style and your calendar will be amazing I'm sure.

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. like how you take the Graphic 45 papers and make them your own. Fab creation.

  11. So beautiful work here again Astrid. Your calendar is awesome and I love how you put it together.

  12. Oh Astrid. I adore the way you take papers/images and make them completely your own. You were on my mind this morning as I made a card with the recent Tammy Tutterow technique as your tags for that blew me away. Hugs, Jenny x

  13. Wouw...this is great!! I love you calendar. So glad you finished this project:) Hihiihi I know what you mean. I always do 10 things at the right

    Hugs Neltine

  14. merci pour toutes ces merveilles que vous nous offrez ,c'est superbe
    belle année créative pour 2013

  15. Bereits das erste Kalenderblatt lässt ahnen, wie wunderbar das Gesamtwerk werden wird, liebe Astrid, die Seite ist wunderschön!

  16. Its beautiful. I'm glad you took time to make something for yourself.

  17. The embossing looks so soft, and pretty...really like the dimension it gives to the background paper. The images are stunning, and must check out the site you included for calendars.

  18. Gorgeous Astrid, another beautiful project, love the way you effortlessly blend your stamping with those Graphic 45 papers. xx

  19. Awesome idea! Love the old world style that is yours! Gorgeous!

  20. Beautiful tag Astrid. These papers are just gorgeous. Love the embossing too.


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