
Monday 31 December 2012

Out with the old and in with the new!

Hello everyone, welcome and I am so happy to see you here.

With this post I want to wish you all the most wonderful, prosperous, creative, happy and peaceful New Year. Seeing the world did not end on the 21st of December, but as some people say it is actually the beginning of a new era of time starting, full of new and creative and spiritual possibilities, I can't wait for the new year to begin! My word for the year is Possibility. Possibility to grow, to imagine, to be, to become etc. etc. Would love to know what your word is!!!
All right, I'll end this post with showing you my 12 favourite pieces from 2012:
Cover of vintage mini

page in mini album

Cover tag book

page in pocket album

page in a journal

Wall hanging

Altered box

Altered box

Mixed Media Collage

Altered Tag

Scrapbook LO 12 x 12

Journal Cover
Hope some of you will post some of your favourite pieces too. I know quite a few people did last year and I really enjoyed seeing them!!


  1. All of these are gorgeous!!! Several I hadn't seen yet. Happy new year to you as we'll.

  2. Gorgeous art Astrid, thanks for sharing... Happy New Year to you and yours and hope 2013 is a good one for you x

  3. such gorgeous vintage shabby-ness & wonderful OTPagers....Love them all:):):)

  4. Your work is always pure eye candy. I absolutely love "Sleeping Beauty."

  5. These pieces are awesome! Love your work. Best wishes for the New Year. ox Marg

  6. I will certainly have to go visit some of these for a much more detailed look!!! Your work is so stunning Astrid! Thank you for the inspirations!

  7. Possibility sounds positively a fabulous word to me. Just put my thinking hat on Astrid to decide what word I would love to begin my New Year with.

    Adore what you have chosen for your 12 faves and I would be a happy bunny if I can make just one of these stunners in 2013.

    Speak soon.

    Hugs Shirley x x

  8. Wauw beautiful creations.
    Happy New year to you and yours.

  9. Happy new year to you too!! Gorgeous projects ... Love the baby one


  11. Completely breathtaking work from your year... came over from AS to say how much I loved your tagbook there, to be met with all these glories! Possibility is a brilliant word - am I allowed it too?! Though probably mine is Change, I think - continuing from this year...
    Wishing you a wonderful 2013!
    Alison xx

  12. Wonderful and so gorgeous pieces Astrid!
    And a lovely idea to post favorite creations...a little bit too late for me now, as I posted enough today I think :-)
    But maybe in the start of the new year...
    I wish you and your family a very happy and wonderful new year, filled with creative blessings.

  13. Looks like a beautiful year, hope you have a happy new year 2013 :)

  14. I love your style your art works are always inspiring!
    Wish you too a happy healthy and creative New Year!
    Hugs Anja

  15. I'm always amazed at your beautiful creations.. they are truly stunning pieces of art. A very creative year. I'm so glad I found your blog, about 5 months or so ago... I always look forward to see what you've posted. A happy and fulfilling 2013.

  16. It doesn't matter how many times I see your gorgeous work, I always find something new to admire and wonder how I missed it the first time. You are a truly talented lady and one I admire greatly... one of your biggest FANS... LOL
    May all your dreams come true for 2013 Astrid....

  17. WAUW what an awesome load of stunning creations here again Astrid. I´m so glad, I found your site here this year and I can´t wait to see, what you´ll inspire us with this year, but I´m sure, it´ll be awesome.
    My word this year is definitely: DARE.
    DARE to dream, DARE to try, DARE to just do whatever I want and go for it and DARE to believe. There´s sooo many ways that word will be perfect for me, so it´ll definitely be it this year.
    Happy New Year Astrid, may it be the best year ever.

  18. Astrid, I apologize for not visiting your blog more frequently. I am definitely the loser! Your work is breathtaking. There's no other word for it. Coming here is like entering another world.
    I hope you've had a peaceful Christmas season and I trust 2013 will be a great year for you. (At least the world didn't end on December 21!)

  19. All stunning and inspirational pieces.

    Have a wonderful 2013.

    Love Chrissie xx

  20. Angesichts dieser wunderbaren Werke ziehe ich meinen Hut. Chapeau, lieb Astrid!
    Ich wünsche Ihnen ein kreatives und glückliches neues Jahr!
    Liebe Grüße, Bärbel


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