
Thursday 6 December 2012

A card and some class samples

Hello everyone
It has been pretty quiet around here but that is because I have been busy prepping samples for a class I am running on Saturday afternoons at the moment. A group of total beginners (including two men yay!) Some of them had never seen rubber stamps before!
Anyway, here are just a few tiny samples of the kind of thing we have been doing and will be doing this coming week. The central stamp on the card is Edinburgh Castle, just for fun.

They have all been doing really well, I'm always amazed what beginners can come up with.....!


  1. So much beautiful work here again Astrid. I wish I could join a class with you, I´m sure, it´ll be awesome fun.

  2. Wonderful work Astrid and I'm sure your students were also amazed at what you have shown them they can create. The card is gorgeous and I think I'm falling in love with that bauble die and stamp. Lucky students is all I can say.

    Lesley Xx

  3. I need to be in that class!!! :-)
    Getting to and fro would be a tad

    Wish the newbies luck for me!

    Happy Crafting,

  4. Beginners can work wonders when they have a great teacher!! Lovely projects - the snowflake looks wonderful, and I love the atmospheric Edinburgh Castle card...
    Alison x

  5. A wonderful Scottish card. Love the wintry hues and the wam tartan and berries. Beautiful embossing. Nicola x

  6. Unter Ihrer Anleitung sind ganz wunderbare Arbeiten entstanden, Astrid, mich könnte so ein Workshop auch begeistern.
    Liebe Grüße und weiterhin viele gute Erfolge mit Ihren Schülern.

  7. Lovely project for your class Astrid - I'm sure they will love it. I did smile though when I read you had two men coming. It reminded me of when a friend did a class and two men turned up with their stamp albums thinking it was the stamp collecting group! Red faces all round LOL Hope your students are prepared to get inky!

  8. Dear Astrid, I wish I could join a class of yours, -the card is wonderful, and OH the snowflake so very beautiful.
    Have fun again with your students this saturday!

  9. Am sure your class are grateful to have you Astrid. Loving your terrific samples, xx

  10. These are lovely ... the class will be so good ... and I have been to Edinburgh Castle!

  11. Really really beautiful my dear Astrid.
    Thanks also for the freebies.
    Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  12. How blessed to be teaching beginners, and two men (wow) they are very lucky to have you Astrid, you do the most amazing work....

  13. WOW they are fabulous (are you sure they are novice stampers LOL!) X

  14. I totally echo Alison's comment - beginners will do amazing things if they have an amazing teacher. LOVE the colouring to that first embossed card. It is an absolute gem of a card. Hugs, Jenny x

  15. Oh my gosh... this is a FANTASTIC card, Astrid!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the embossed snowflakes frame and the overall design... stunning!!!
    Have a great weekend, my dear friend!

  16. Such a pretty card!! Have fun teaching your class!!! Your work is Astridnomical!!!!

  17. A wonderful card! Love every detail of it!

    die amelie x

  18. This is absolutely gorgeous, Astrid! Love all the details, you always do amazing work.

  19. Eine wundervolle Karte, liebe Astrid. ein ganz besonderes Werk.

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke


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