
Saturday 27 October 2012

Spooky Halloween mood

Hello everyone! Today it's my turn to post on the Artistic Stamper Creative Team blog.

 I have to be honest, I don't think I have made only one single Halloween project this year, and it's not this one, but this one has at least a bit of a Halloweeny mood to it. To see the full project and how I put it together, please click here, and like usual I really appreciate the comments people leave, either here or over on the team's blog
Thank you for visiting!!


  1. Love those colour variations in the backgrounds, and gorgeous ghostly stamping... and there's certainly something a little sinister about her eyes!
    Alison x

  2. She surely hides something, this girl-and not something goood !I think somethink spooky will happen, or already did,in the unseen mystic background filled with fog and dampend wet surroundings!!
    Love it dear Astrid.
    Wish you a great weekend.

  3. loving the background (obviously the rest is good too!)

  4. Astrid your work is phenomenal.
    Gorgeous designs and technique.
    Love them all.

  5. I have just been looking at your last few posts & love all that you have made.
    No idea where the week has gone, but i am only just getting round to the blog hop & I have a brand new as yet unboxed Silhouette Cameo to play with!!

  6. this is wonderful! you are always so busy doing art. how great for you!

  7. Terrific and so atmospheric, am popping over now. Annette x

  8. the colours are great and the whole piece is fabulous with a different take on the usual Halloween theme

  9. I think you have done a marvelous job!! You are so creative!! Never loose that.

  10. Another stunning project!!! The colors are amazing!!!

  11. Astrid, thank you for sharing, I love these !!!
    Your imagination is endless...

  12. So glad you enjoyed the Simples... you'll have spotted your lovely anemone (?) stamp in there... it was one of the triggers, so thank you!
    Alison x

  13. Eeriieeeeee, but beautiful also with your fantastic artwork!

  14. Oooh, this is definitely very atmospheric Astrid. Love it!

    Lesley Xx


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