
Tuesday 4 September 2012

An Amazing Weekend

I have just come back from one of the best weekends of my life, - two days of classes with the amazing Finnabair in Newbridge Ireland. She is not only one of the most inspiring mixed media artists around, she is also an incredible teacher! Here are some photos of Finn in action:

She is beautiful and funny and just fantastic to be around!!
Alright so now I will show you a few photos of some of the art work I created while there. A layout and a collaged little canvas. The photos are of my mum and dad when they were young. They passed away many years ago and always supported me in my artistic endeavours, so I don't think they would mind I played around with them like this....

And finally, a photo my team mate at Snazzys  the wonderful Gillian,  took of me working on my canvas and a photo of the two of us together in front of some of Finnabair's wonderful art work.We went together which made the whole trip even better!!

Last but not least a huge big thank you to Agnieska, the wonderful lady who organised this whole event, THANK YOU, you and all your family were simply amazing!!!


  1. Oh Astrid you are a lucky Girl.
    A WS with Finn.
    Wonderful results from your workshop. Amazing.
    And thanks for sharing us the photos.

  2. Beautiful things you made, nice colours and techniques. I'm not jealous at all that you had the opportunity to follow this creative workshop. ;-)
    Regards, Hilde

  3. Wow would have lved to have been able to be part of that!!! Your pieces are absolutely beautiful, the colours gorgeous and truly beautiful pieces to treasure! Trace x

  4. wow Astrid you did fabulous art .... and you look so gorgeous , the fun you were having really shows in your face ... I attended a workshop with Finn in Darwin this year in May ... I agree she is amazing and a first class teacher .. lots of fun and inspiration .... so pleased you got the chance to do this ... love everything you did too .... love Heather xoxo
    I have done a Finn inspired Layout for CSI which will be up in a few weeks September 28th , you will see it on my blog warm hugz to you Astrid xoxo

  5. Wow, you lucky thing! And you certainly learned your lessons well - beautiful pieces.

  6. wow it looks like it was an amazing weekend....and youve created some stunning work.....wish I could have been there too!

  7. That looks like the place to be Astrid. Huge fun, creativity and inspiration from a stunning teacher and those around you at the class. Have to say this would my idea of heaven.
    As for your work, wow did you 'get it'. Superb.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences, hugs Buttons x

  8. WOUW lucky you, I´wish I could´ve been there too, if only as a fly on the wall, but then I would at least have been able to watch and learn from all of you awesome ladies there ha ha ha. Good to hear, you had such a great time there and learned so much, but you are already making really amazing work, and I would feel great, if I could be just half as good as you are ha ha ha. Your work here is just as awesome as ever hun, simply stunning.
    Have a great week aheads here.

  9. Wow, Astrid, das war ein grandioses Wochenende für Sie, ich könnte Sie fast ein wenig beneiden um die Teilnahme an diesem Workshop. Dass er auf jeden Fall inspirierend für Sie war, zeigen die wunderbaren Ergebnisse. Ich denke, Ihre Eltern wären stolz auf ihre Tochter!

  10. Glad you had an awesome trip, your artwork looks amazing x

  11. It was great to meet you and Gillian - your work is fabulous

  12. How lucky you are !
    and you are a fabulous student, your art work is stunning !

  13. Sounds like a wonderful time indeed! I love the pieces you created, but I especially love love love the piece you made with what I assume is the pic of your Dad. Really lovely :-)

  14. Beautiful pieces! i love the "Dreamer" one.

  15. Absolutely terrific work ... great photos too!

  16. Love both but the Dreamer one with your dad is just stunning. Glad you had a wonderful creative time xx

  17. What an amazing weekend!! And your projects are stunning!!! The colors and the texture are beautiful, your parents would be proud of you!!

  18. love the canvas with your dad, its beautiful. x

  19. Astrid,
    this must have been so fantastic! I almost envy you ,lol- your art pieces are wonderful, so many special effects in them-
    Thankyou for showing.

  20. How wonderful! I dream of taking classes with Anna someday... how lucky are you!?!? Your layout and canvas are stunning, Astrid. I adore them!

  21. I can't imagine that your parents would mind being part of two such glorious works of art. Anna's work is amazing, and she clearly has the ability to be able to inspire great work in others too.
    Alison x

  22. What a fab weekend indeed, loved every minute of it and glad we finally got to meet. Your projects are beautiful. x

  23. Gorgeous pieces of work. What a fabulous weekend, And so inspiring :)

  24. I have met Finn but was not fortunate enough to get to take a class with her. Lucky you!
    Your projects are beautiful!!

  25. I am just speechless and you are ever more amazing day by day! Astrid, your pieces are GORGEOUS, and so inspiring! Looks like you has a blast too!

  26. Oh, Astrid, was für ein wundervolles Wochenende.
    Du hast sicher eine Menge Spaß gehabt und viel gelernt an neuen Techniken und Tricks.
    Deine Eltern haben dich bestimmt dabei beobachtet und sich mit dir gefreut.
    Ganz liebe Grüße xx

  27. Looks like you had a great time and I really love the art work you created! Your mom and dad would be very proud of you.

  28. A lovely project, love the colours and incorporating photos of your parents.

  29. How lucky you are to take part in something like this Astrid. Looks as if a great time was had by all. Your artwork pieces are sublime. Hugs Rita xx

  30. Am I green? Nah!!! Not much I'm not, lol! It sounds as though you had the most fabulous time and the photos back this up. There are some lovely pics of you and as for your artwork, WOW!!! Both pieces are absolutely glorious. How I would love to have learned those techniques. Your Mum and Dad would be proud to be used in your artwork I'm sure.

    Lesley XX

  31. What an inspirational weekend. Your artwork is amazing, love both pieces. Have never attended any craft workshops they look o much fun. XX

  32. Astrid, firstly it was so nice to see a photograph of 'you' ... you look wonderful, such a gorgeous photograph ... thanks so much for sharing with us all. Your projects are mind blowing and I am so envious of your class with Finnabair WOW WOW WOW... your parents would be so proud of your creations. Absolutely adore what you have created... you clever woman you!!! xx

  33. You made some gorgeous art there! Scrummy :)
    xoxo Sioux

  34. Loving your shared photographs and the wonderful results from your creative weekend. Annette x

  35. Astrid, it was a pure pleasure to meet you and watch you creating. Thank you so much for your kind words - you made my heart sing again :) :*Love you :*

  36. Looks like you had a wonderful time and you certainly created stunning pieces, the colours you chose to work with are just beautiful xx


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