
Friday 3 August 2012

Last project(s) for Snazzys this month

For my last project I decided to alter a little bottle. For the full tutorial on how I did it, please head over to Snazzys
 Because I had so much of the fab Graphic 45 paper left, I also made a little tag.


  1. two more gorgeous projects Astrid! The bottle is soooo pretty, the tag is great , I especailly like he woman with wings!

  2. wow, two more fabulous makes Astrid. x

  3. I have altered a lot of bottles but have never tried the masking tape trick. I'll have to give it a go. It sure worked beautifully for your bottle. I love it!

  4. Wow!!!! Wow, wow, wow! This bottle is AMAZING. What a gorgeous tag too. Your tutorial on this bottle is fantastic.....its going straight onto my "Projects I wanna do" list, lol. Lee x

  5. Traumhaft schöne und megageniale Werke, liebe Astrid. Die Flasche und auch das Tag schauen entzückend aus.

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke

  6. Such a beautiful bottle Astrid. This would be something I would look at every day and see a new element each time. What a talent you are. Hugs, Buttons x

  7. Ein wunderschönes Ergebnis, Astrid! Ich bewundere, wie Sie die verschiedenen Materilien zu einem so tollen Projekt gestalteten. Vielen Dank für exakte die Anleitung.

  8. Boah wow wonderful new projects my dear Astrid.
    So beautiful.
    Awesome work.

    Have a sunny weekend my dear friend.

  9. Thanks for sharing these lovely projects Astrid :-) I love the bottle!

    Do you know....I have been looking for an altered art tutorial online for about 2 weeks and the one you linked is perfect. It's something I have been wanting to play with for quite a while and I have a great little collection of bottles waiting to be transformed. Thanks again for the link!

  10. Fabulous bottle Astrid... the colours are amazing x

  11. working your magic fingers again ... loveeeeeeeeeeee this x

  12. Drooling across the pond! Astrid, these are both such gorgeous projects, a real fest for the eyes. I have just spend ages looking at both of these photo's, so much to see and every bit of it beautiful xx

  13. Love both projects! Just stunning!!

  14. Astrid your projects are so awesome!! Now I cannot wait for Saturdays to get your beautiful freebies!!!

    Thanks for sharing your awesome talent!!


  15. Oh I love the colours and how you did your altered bottle! The tag, is as always sooooo exquisite!

  16. Always nice to see your creativity xx

  17. Einfach großartig! Chapeau!

  18. I just love the bottle. You did an amazing job. I really like the butterflies!


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