
Wednesday 11 July 2012

WOYWW 163 My desk in France

Hello everyone and happy Wednesday. I thought it would be fun to show my little holiday desk in France and join in the WOYWW fun while I am at it. I have not been part of that for quite a few weeks, just too busy and I don't like to show my little space when I don't have the time to visit yours, but now I do and so here it is, my little space in the spare room in our holiday Gite:
Quite a bit of clutter for just a two week holiday, but if I can't play with my inks and paints I go all fidgetty so along came three boxes full of stuff. Oh and here is what I am working on:

A small journal and some pages in a nature inspired mini book.
After my last post several of you were wondering where in France I am, well it's in Burgundy on the edge of a nature reserve, it's totally gorgeous and beautiful!!
Oh and if you are wondering what all this desk stuff is about, just go here and all will be explained.


  1. Gosh you have taken a fair amount of stuff with you, I,m sure you will have fun. xxx

  2. Wow you many stuff with it in france Astrid.
    Your work is a dream.
    Love them so much.

  3. Sitting here chuckling, cannot believe you took that much stuff with you to France... just goes to show you are certainly addicted (which I might add is a good thing). Lovely work Astrid... don't forget to enjoy your holiday! :-)

  4. A desk in france how lovely and of course you would need several boxes of stuff. Otherwise what would you do on the desk??
    Sandra @43

  5. Blimey...youve gone well prepared,Ive never taken stuff away with me, might have to give it a go next time. Loving the journal.Hope youre having a lovely time so far in France x

  6. Astrid, your journal is just gorgeous - can't believe that you took so much stuff away with you, but I guess you might be lost without it Hope you enjoy your holiday too in that most beautiful part of France. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #54

  7. I wish my travel kit was as large as yours! But it's totally worth it when you create something so beautiful. I love the detail and all the different bits, and the way it all works as one piece. Absolutely stunning.

    Thanks for stopping by, cheers, rachel #11

  8. Loving your travel crafting! Looks fab. Ooh forgot to say I think your Twitter account may be hacked cos I keep getting random DM's from you and some of your tweets are a bit strange unless it is you of course then that's ok! Lol Take care, enjoy desk hopping! Zo xx 62

  9. I always takes loads away in our caravan... cannot do without it! Your journal is amazing :-))

  10. I always take stuff to do on holidays, but maybe not quite that much! Anyway, it is worth it because your nature page is absolutely beautiful! So far I have resisted the temptation to buy Inktense pencils, but it's always a possibility. Thanks for visiting and for your kind words.
    Enjoy your holiday in France!

  11. I too always take crafting materials on holiday and it is good to be challenged with fewer items than usual. Your book pages are stunning! Enjoy what's left of your time there,
    Love JoZarty x

  12. What an amazing master piece!
    Wish you happy holiday in France!
    xox Anja

  13. Beautiful journal but cant believe you found room to take so much stuff.
    Have a great holiday
    Jan S 111

  14. wow you're living my dream girl, I would love to take a holiday in France, tuck myself away in a little chalet, and just get covered in ink and glue and create a masterpiece. Looks like there is alot of inspiration around enjoy every moment.

  15. I see on your desk that you already have the new Tim Holtz markers! My are arriving soon, they were sold out everywhere. The project you are working on is beautiful as always, love the colors! I have great news on my Friday post about JustRite. Have fun in France!! Hugs!!

  16. ((waving)) back at you! Lucky you, have a great time. Love the colours in your mini album, super papers too!
    Hope you're having lovely sunny weather. Thundering and Lightening here! So whizzing round quickly! Might Have to shut down!! Have a great week! Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) was #25

  17. A desk in France, what a dream come true. I still can't believe you took so much stuff. Your book is amazing! Truly inspiring. Dani 31

  18. This is beautiful, so pretty and full of delight and interest!! Enjoy your Hols trace x 48

  19. Wow those pieces you're working on are so beautiful, love the softness and the nature theme. The Gite looks lovely too, hope the weather is better than in the UK! The little drawers are made by Sterlite, but I'm in the US, however I'm sure you could find something similar.

    Brenda 3

  20. Hi Astrid Thank you for popping by during your holidays to see me!! Your holiday is definitely agreeing with you. Your work is fabulous. Have a wonderful time. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 69

  21. The journal and mini book are gorgeous. Thanks for a peep at your workspace. Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x

  22. lovely journalling, there is nothing nicer than having the time to really craft, what holidays are made for!

    DX 66

  23. Awesome! Creating beautiful things while on holiday in France!

  24. how fab to be crafting and in france too :)
    have a fabby crafty week
    kay #52

  25. I'm very impressed you took so much stuff on holiday, My other half thought i was weird taking rolla glue (to stick things in my journal).
    janet #7

  26. You must have travelled by car cos there's no way you could get all that over to France by plane!!
    I loved having a peek at your work!
    Happy WOYWW! Victoria #92

  27. Love your page ! And a nature reserve to inspire you - lush ! Ali #60

  28. Fabulous work - and in such a lovely place too. I'd happily travel with more craft stuff and less fripperies to wear :) Enjoy the rest of your holiday Astrid. Di xx #59

  29. Hope you're having a fabulous time in France Astrid - love the projects you're working on, stunning as always!!
    Ann xx

  30. Lovely projects with wonderful colours, TFS. What a lovely idea, crafting while on holiday in France, have a lovely time.

    Happy WOYWW x

  31. The first thing I spied on your holiday desk was the box of inktense pencils, I so want to get some of those, you lucky thing. Can't believe you took all of that on hols. That journal page is stunning, just love the colours. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    Von #51

  32. Astrid, die Seiten sind großartig! Ich bin begeistert von der wunderbaren Gestaltung. Der Urlaub in Frankreich wirkt sich sehr inspirierend für Sie aus, meinen Glückwunsch dazu.
    Liebe Grüße und weiterhin gute Erholung.

  33. Stunning pages, Astrid.
    Love the colours & the imagery.
    How lovely that you are on the edge of a Nature Reserve.
    The Gite my sister & I rent is in the Perigord National Park, nothing but forests for miles with Deer just across the field.

  34. Wow, you went to France and took your art supplies. You are a dedicated artist. Love the page, it is really beautiful. #29 Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  35. How wonderful to be in France and c rafting whilst the minutes slip by. Reminds me of films I have seen and artists I have read about.
    You too are a truly wonderful artist, I admire your work so much.
    Sorry I am late this week and thanks for the good wishes. Hugs, Neet #47 xx

  36. Hope you're having/had a fab time in France - I used to live there and I do miss it!

    I had to LOL at the amount of stuff you've taken with you - are you going to have any time for doing the tourist thing?

    Thanks for stopping by!

  37. Oh my! Did all that stuff take the place of your clothes or anything else important? :^)What a beautiful journal cover! So inspired! Patsy from

  38. Wowwww amazing, love all your Tim Holtz stuff. I have a lot to, Like to work with them to! Your creation is so beautiful again!!!


  39. What a cosy space you have for your holiday crafting and you must be comfy there to create such beautiful work. The page is wonderful, such rich colours and I love the 'old book page'

    Lesley Xx


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