
Friday 6 July 2012

Off on holiday and a freebee

This morning I am off for a two week holiday to France. Call me crazy but I have packed two big boxes and a back pack full of art and craft stuff. After all you can't go for walks, visit quaint little towns, eat amazing meals and read novels all of the time can you now....? Apparently the little gite we have rented has got Wifi, so I will be able to come and visit some of my favourite blogs, and who know, maybe I'll post some stuff myself too.
I leave you will a little collage sheet. I have printed it myself on tissue paper again (on how to do that, see post below) and plan to use it in a journal while away,. who knows.... The little images are from Magic Moonlight and the background was made with digital stamps I created from various ephemera, mostly from the Graphics Fairy Many thanks to both!!


  1. Have a wonderful time away Astrid, enjoy what France has to offer (frogs legs, snails ewww) ... the lovely culture! Look forwards to hearing all about it either while you're away or when you return home. Thanks for the lovely collage sheet, sooo nice!

  2. Thanks sooo much Sweetie for this wonderful freebie.
    I wish you a wonderful and lovely time in france.
    Have fun.

  3. Hi Astrid, thanks for the fab freebie, it's beautiful. Have a great holiday. Bet Hubby loves you taking all your crafting gear. LOL. X

  4. Thanks soo much again, I love it
    I will use this collage in my jobs

  5. Have a fabulous time. My sister & I rent a Gite in France, we go 1st September & we stay in the Limousin reigon but it is only 2 minutes to the Dordogne border so we get two holidays in one!

    Thank you for this gorgeous freebie!!

  6. Have a wonderful time in France Astrid!! Thanks for the freebies!! Hugs!

  7. Wishing you a dry and sunny holiday in France! Have fun x

  8. Wie wunder-wunderschön...
    Vielen, vielen Dank dafür.

    Liebe Grüße und Umarmung

  9. Enjoy all things Francais on your holiday - I envy you.

    Thank you for the fabulous image. I'll let you know it's just perfect

  10. Hi Astrid, have great time in France!!
    You have the best blog!

  11. een hele fijn vakantie, Astrid. Wij zijn ook net terug uit Frankrijk, Bretagne. Bedankt voor alle inspiraties en voorbeelden! Groetjes uit Oisterwijk.

  12. Thank you for the fab freebie, have a wonderful holiday Astrid. Annette x

  13. Enjoy your holiday! Ironically, I just stumbled across Magic Moonlight yesterday, while searching the internet.

  14. Dear Astrid, I wish you a pleasant stay in France. Recovering well and come back home healthy. Have fun while shopping!

    And thanks for the great freebie that you have made yourself.
    Hugs and smile

  15. I so look forward to Friday's for your amazing freebie!

    Thank you I really appreciate your beautiful art.


  16. Almost forgot...Have a wonderful holiday!!

  17. Hello Astrid, thank you so much for the beautiful sheet, looks wonderful. Wish you a awesome holiday in France and hope to hear from you soon.

    Hugs and take care,

  18. You didn't mention it, but I hope you have a camera packed as well. Have a ball!! And I am green with envy!

  19. Will miss your blog and makes but have a great time. Look forward to seeing what you do whilst on holiday and thanks for the freebies.
    Neet x

  20. I love your beautifull blog, gonna follow :)))
    Love from Belgium,

    P.S: have a nice holiday:)

  21. Ein wunderschönes Freebie, Astrid, vielen Dank und gute Erholung!


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