
Thursday 19 July 2012

Last post from France

Tomorrow is our last day here, time just seems to fly when you are having fun.... We had a gloriously hot day yesterday and to day it was pleasant, though there were a few little showers.
Here are the last of the tags I will be making here as tomorrow I'll need to start packing all my bits and pieces. I'm also showing one more journal page in progress.

Start of journal page

All of these need finishing off at home still, but at least the basics are done. Still about 15 more to go........


  1. Time does go by so quickly when you are in a different country. Safe trip home.

  2. It's clear the new setting inspired you. Lovely tags!

  3. Wow my dear Astrid your new work is brilliant.
    So beautiful design. Love them all.

    Have a wonderful weekend my sweet friend. xoxo

  4. Es macht Spaß diese herrlichen Werke anzusehen...

  5. These are all so lovely and very French looking. I know you hate to leave.

  6. Astrid, Your work is literally breath taking!!

  7. Astrid, those are gorgeous works, it is difficult to say which one is better. It's stunning!

  8. Fabulous work Astrid. Safe journey home. Hugs Rita xx

  9. WOW some fabulous designs on your blog, so beautiful

  10. You have been extremely busy whilst in France, and each show and tell has been glorious. I cannot wait to see the whole project... so beautiful, your colours are always a delight and so vintage!

  11. Beautiful tags!!! Love them all, especially the front page!!

  12. The tags are beautiful, dear Astrid! Each individual is made ​​with so much love.

    I wish you a nice trip home!
    Hugs MARTINA oxo

  13. Wow Astrid how I love these tags can't wait to see more.

    Hugs Shirley x x


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