
Saturday 28 July 2012

A freebie and a Give away

First of all, sorry to be a day late with my freebies, but at the moment it suits me better to have them up on Saturday. 
First up is a give-away, as I have not done one of those for ages! Some of you may have noticed from my side bar that I have been designing some papers for Crafty Secrets, who have just published a third CD, "Designing with Vintage Typography". 

The kind owner Sandy, sent me 5 CDs. Well obviously I only need one, so that means I have 4 of them to give away . To be in with a chance all you need to do is become a follower if you aren't one already and leave a comment on this post. I will draw winners by next Saturday, August 4, with the help of random org and will announce the winners with next week's freebies. I will ship anywhere in the world.
Now for the freebies of this week. There is a set of labels. I have just revamped my craft room a bit and wanted to label all my little drawers, so I designed a set of pretty labels and thought some of you might find them useful too.

 Here they are as singles, just if you want to resize them or use them in a different way.

I'll leave you with a little picture of the labels on some of my little drawers:) Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Your tags are lovely and your little drawers are so cute!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win one of the cd's!

  2. Your labels are beautiful. Thank you so much.

    I also would like to throw my name in the pot for the giveaway.

    I look forward to seeing what you have for us next.


  3. oh wonderful!...not only the giveaway but your labels are gorgeous! those birds will get me every time!!!

  4. I love all your freebies...I love images...My scrappin sister calls me an image hoarder...LOL! I would love the chance to win. I just love your blog!

  5. Thank you for the freebies, Astrid, they are lovely :)

  6. Astrid, I could imagine you'd be snapped up by someone to design papers.... so blessed to have you doing such. Thanks for the opportunity to win a CD, really love their stuff!

  7. Oh, such pretty tags! I saved them in all their lovely shades. Thank you.: )

    And what an exciting giveaway! I'm going to check out the other two CDs in the series right now...


  8. Que adorável giveaway!!! E adoro suas criações fabulosas como suas etiquetas...

  9. Thank you for the lovely set of labels Astrid, just what I needed.
    I would be delighted to win one of the CDs. Of course I am a follower!
    Hugs Alveen

  10. Beautiful labels. I totally could use this. Thanks! I could also use a cd with gorgeous work from such talented ladies. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Gorgeous labels! Love to use your freebees:)
    and that give away is amazing, love the cd's. actually never found one here in the Netherlands, only the stamps. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. You do amazing work, Love it!
    So generous of you to share the goodies. Of course I would love to have the amazing CD :) Thank you for the giveaway and I hope you have a great weekend.

  13. Very pretty labels! Thanks for the opportunity win one of the cd's! Just discovered your blog, I'll be back!

  14. These labels are so gorgeous and will look wonderful everywhere. Thanks so much for sharing these with us here and thanks soo much for the chance to win this awesome CD too, I´ll definitely be crossing my fingers, that I´ll be lucky for once. Your work is always so awesome.

  15. I almost always use text in my artwork, so your CDs sound very intersting to me - please count me in for your generous giveaway!

  16. Gosh Astrid the CD sounds amazing, congratulations.
    Your projects are always awesome and so detailed.
    Love the freebies as well.

  17. thank you for your wonderful freebies,I would really like to be included in the give away as well please! best wishes EE

  18. Thanks for the beautifull freebie! I love your work :)
    Nice weekend, love , Sonja

  19. Hi Astrid, Wow! Congratulations on having your designs put on a CD. Your freebie designs are always so beautiful & ephemeral so this CD will be an absolute must have. Thankyou so much for the chance to win.

  20. Thanks for these beautiful freebies.
    Have a nice weekend,
    hugs Anja

  21. The labels and your little drawers are wonderful, Astrid!
    Please count me in for your generous giveaway!

    Have a nice weekend. Hugs MARTINA

  22. Oh wow Astrid your labels are a dream. Thanks so much again for your freebies.
    Your giveaway is great. I will crossed my fingers. Please put my name in the hat.

    Have a sunny weekend my dear friend.

  23. Astrid (or do you prefer Astrid Christine?),

    Thank you for sharing your darling labels. They look perfect on your drawers.

    Thank you also for sharing your inspiring art graphics work. Your collages are so rich in color and detail; perusing them makes me feel creative! :)


  24. Hi Astrid, what a great giveaway, I would love to work with this CD for example in PSP (Corel) so I take a change and cross my fingers, as you know I'm already a follower of your wonderful blog. Thank you for this great giveaway!!! Your freebies are also amazing again, thank you so much!!!!

    Hugs and have a nice weekend,

  25. I recently discovered your blog and became a follower straight away - your freebies are fantastic!!
    Thanks for the chance to win a lovely CD - my fingers are crossed

  26. You labels are really nice, they look great on the drawers.

  27. Hello Astrid,
    I just love your labels! And what a great opportunity to win your give away!
    Thanks so much and keep on posting!

    Love, Hanne

  28. Hi Astrid, thanks for more of yourlovely freebies, these labels are gorgeous,can think of several ways to use them. Would love to win a CD,have been a follower for a while and love your art

  29. Hi Astrid, thanks for more of yourlovely freebies, these labels are gorgeous,can think of several ways to use them. Would love to win a CD,have been a follower for a while and love your art

  30. Hi Astrid -

    These are just beautiful! But then, all your designs are just so lovely. I really love your style.

    Thanks for the freebies.

    Elaine Allen

  31. I recently discoverd your site, I love the freebies and your work.

    I would like to be a part of the give away.

    greeting from Holland

  32. Hi Astrid, I have been following your blog on bloglovin since January, but have now signed up as a member - I thought they were the same thing ;-)
    I never used to like the use of words, especially old style adverts, in craft projects, until I saw your work & fell in love. Your designs blend so elegantly & are so feminine. I would love to win. Fingers crossed. Hugs DQ

  33. You are very talented. Such pretty things! I'd love to win a CD, but even if I don't, I'll be back to see what else you have done that will inspire me. Thanks!

  34. Your labels are stunning and look superb on your drarwers.

    I am already a follower of your lovely blog,so I appreciate this chance of winning one of your cds.

    Sandie x

  35. Astrid I cannot wait for Fridays for your wonderful freebies. They are always awesome.

    Thanks for the chance to win the cd...I am already a follower!


  36. Hello! I LOVE your tags! Thank you very much! And thank you also for the give away. Crossing my fingers.

  37. Very pretty tags, thank you for letting us use them xx

  38. Would love to be put in the draw...oh um cd draw not little draw! I do like those little drawers and labels're very already a follower.

  39. Wow this is my first visit and had a quick scroll down some Previous posts and I just love your work! I'm looking forward to sitting down with a cuppa and having a real good look a beautiful site with freebies as well fantastic! Needless to say I will become a follower and will look forward to frequent visits x

  40. Have been a follower for some time. Thank you for the precious labels and the chance to win one of the CDs. Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

  41. Wow what a great give away...
    Your tage are amazing, I love them.. I love how youve altered your draws they look Fab xx

  42. Thanks for the freebies and look forward to seeing the new cd even if I don't win it.

  43. Thank you for sharing those beautiful labels. Difficult to decide which colourway to go with, all three are so pretty.

  44. I love the labels, and count me in for the drawing!!! What a great giveaway!

  45. Thank you for the opportunity to win the CD. I love your work. I have made a journal with some of your freebies. They are all gorgeous!

  46. This looks like a wonderful CD and so great of you to have a giveaway. I love your work and have become a follower.

  47. Danke für die wunderbaren Labels, Astrid!

  48. labels are beautiful and what a great chance to win a cd,thank you, luv Georginax

  49. Hi Astrid, Beautiful labels, great idea for organising your craft space, stark contrast to mine which looks like a bomb site LOL! Brilliant giveaway so generous of you, thank you. xx

  50. Thanks so much for the beautiful labels, Astrid!
    I love Crafty Secrets & have 2 of their CD's & would love to add the 3rd to my collection. So sweet of you to offer 4 of them to your followers.
    Happy Huggies ~

  51. Those labels are lovely! I have an idea or two for them already. They do look nice on those drawers.

  52. The labels are so beautiful. I love it!

  53. Thank you for the beautiful labels. I so love your vintage style of designing. Thank you for the chance to win the cd.! Hugs xx

  54. those drawers look so neat with their labels. I am slowly doing the same in my sewing room,but they aren't nearly so nice as yours. I just hand write them. Also I follow you on Pinterest,so thank you for all the give aways on there.

  55. Hi again Astrid,
    You continue to amaze me with your incredible artistry!! Please enter me into your giveaway! I would be SO excited to win a CD!!
    Hugs, Diane

  56. Love the labels! Your work is outstanding! Thanx for the chance to win!

  57. I love your tags and how organized you are, that is a dream of mine! Thanks so much for the opportunity Astrid!

  58. Wow absolutely love this!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  59. Astrid your labels are so wonderful and your giveway is great, thanks so much for your freebies.


  60. Your work is beautiful, congratulations, I discovered your blog a few months ago and always go to see what new things you have. Thanks for sharing your talent and creativity.
    Greetings from Argentina


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