
Sunday 3 June 2012

Vintage French mini (Second Instalment

Her is the second installment of my vintage French mini. You can see the first instalment here
Page with little waterfal cards

waterfall cards

close up

close up

Page with decorative pocket

Another page with large pocket

page with tag tucked in

showing page and tag separately
page with side pocket and small tag


page with large decorative pocket

mini accordion book that will fit in one of the pockets

cover of accordion book

back of accordion book

Now there is only the cover to do and a number of bigger tags to fit in various top and side pockets.
I have used a whole variety of papers from different collections but as they are all totally altered anyway, it does not really matter.


  1. I so adore each of the exquisite details.

  2. Astrid, diese Arbeit ist traumhaft schön, eine jede Seite für sich ein kleines Kunstwerk; es gibt so vieles zu entdecken!!!
    Liebe Grüße!

  3. You always have such terrific ideas Astrid and make the most beautiful craftings. Loving this gorgeous and creative make. Annette x

  4. Hi Astrid, this is amazing, so so beautiful & detailed, a vintage masterpiece, I love it all. Have a great evening. xx

  5. It's just beautiful Astrid. Thanks for sharing so we could enjoy looking at it!

  6. Your art leaves me breathless. I could look at this ALL DAY and never tire of it. Thanks for sharing.

  7. WOw Astrid your work is a dream.
    So so beautiful and lovely details. Amazing. I love them all. xoxo

  8. Meine Güte, ich träume...
    Das ist so wunderschön, mir fehlen die Worte.

    Danke für diese herrlichen Werke, die du uns zeigst.

    Liebe Grüße

  9. What a treasured piece of art. You are such a talented lady Astrid, nothing you do surprises me. Your art work on this one is so delicate & vintage, its a joy to behold. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Stunning project Astrid !!! Love every single page! Just amazing! Hugs!

  11. O my word!!! What a fabulous creation.. each page is simply beautiful... AmAzing work! Hugs May x x x

  12. Woooow, amazing vintage beauties! Gorgeous inspration - TFS ;)

  13. Absolutly a dream piece, so many to see, I love design andall details. Fantastic creation!

  14. Hey Astrid, all your art stuff is so amazing !!
    thank you for commenting on my blog, and to answer your question : the canvas was done by my disabled sister in law, I have been doing mixed media with her for 6 years or so, and now she is able to do such things, what we both appreciate a lot !
    thanks for your visit !

  15. T*R*A*U*M*H*A*F*T *S*C*H*Ö*N

    ... mir fehlen die Worte.


  16. Your work is just stunning, love every single detail!!

  17. Beautiful work Astrid. I enjoy visiting your blog. Thanks so much for sharing. Karen.x


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