
Wednesday 20 June 2012

Spellbinders Project for June

Hi everyone. Today is the day when it is my turn to show a project on the Spellbinders blog. Even though I have done it a few times now, it is still quite a big deal for me. I would absolutely love it if you show your support by leaving me a comment there. All you need to do is click here
here is a sneak peek and thank you!!


  1. What a devine box.
    Love the music sheet on the top.
    Awesome work. xoxo

  2. Hi Astrid, this box is sooo nice !!

    (ps : there is a translator on the left side of my blog... I know it can't translate everything, since I often write like I talk, but anyway... it may help !
    thanks for always leaving comments on my posts, this is so kind from you)

  3. That is such a beautiful box Astrid. I love that music book in it to. Hugs!

  4. Wow Astrid I love you box, it looks amazing! The music book on top is wonderful!

  5. I so love coming to your blog for inspiration. You are such a talented artist.

  6. Love your box, Astrid. I called at the Spellbinders blog and left a comment. :o)

  7. Oi Astrid!!!

    Seus trabalhos são magníficos!!!


  8. wowee !!!! loveeeeeeeeee this Astrid ... awesome earthy colors ... yes I started this in Darwin and finished it home here ....Finn is a great teacher ....
    no Julie Winks was not there but yes I feel it is Finn inspired .. I love that last canvas she did .. dreamy .. I am going to try a lighter monochromatic canvas with lots of chippies ... hugz to you xoxo

  9. Such a beautiful package. The lovingly designed book in beautiful sepia colors I like particularly well, Astrid.

  10. wow i love this its so beautiful!!!!great job!!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated and it makes my day! Please don't waste your time leaving anonymous comments, they will go straight to spam!