
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Second Commission Vintage mini

I was lucky enough to have another commission for one of my vintage style minis. This one is to be in a French style, as the lady who commissioned it loves France. Beware, photo rich post.....

little tag for inside the envelope on page above

Back of tag, this is a Crafty Individuals stamp which I coloured with Distress markers and inks

 I am having so much fun creating this as she has given me complete creative freedom. Here is a peep at the first few pages and some of the tags. I'll be posting more over the next few days/weeks. There will be loads of tags and little interactive bits......

Page without tag

page with tag

just the tag

page with mini envelope

Front of little double tag inside envelope

inside of little double tag
Sorry for all the detailed descriptions etc, this is so that the lady who has it on order can see it progress....


  1. Astrid,that is absolutely gorgeous. x

  2. Wow, Astrid, das Album ist ein Traum! Es ist sehr französisch geworden und die Dame wird es sicher lieben!

  3. Absolutely stunning...and dreamy ...
    I am swooning !!!

  4. Wow Astrid, this is already amazing and it is not even finished yet! Tis going to be a truly stunning project when you are finished :))

  5. I love it when you say "beware, photo rich post". That means we are in for a real treat! Your work is perfection and I could sit and marvel over it all day.

  6. Astrid, this is just stunning. The lady who ordered it will be so happy. There is so much detail I have to keep going back for another look.

  7. Those are amazingly beautiful!

  8. Can't wait to see the rest! And you can never have too many photos of such lovely artwork.

  9. beautiful i love all your work your so inspiring and everything is just beautiful!!!!!!

  10. Just Beautiful!!! I love the colors, the details, your work is stunning!!

  11. I love this and everything is so romantic and dreamy looking. Love the shady colors!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. I love this and everything is so romantic and dreamy looking. Love the shady colors!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Everything is so beautiful Astrid! I love how you blend all your colors, keeps the image flowing! Thanks for sharing, Marilyn.

  14. Absolutely gorgeous, Astrid. I love how you have incorporated your own downloads beautifully in this piece.

  15. Stunning again.... I feel very "covety" over these LOL. (I realise covety isnt a word )

  16. wow what stunning work its a joy to look at
    thank you for posting

  17. Oh wow Astrid this is phenomenal.
    What a wonderful work. Very creative. Love page by page. Awesome. xoxo

  18. Wow! Your creations are absolutely gorgeous. I love all the vintagy goodness you added.
    Hugs and smiles

  19. Your colour combinations amaze me, this is so beautiful...

  20. Is the Voyage en Paris
    a stamp or patterned
    paper? Wondering where
    you got that.. what a
    beautiful book!! LOVE


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