
Wednesday 25 April 2012


Another messy picture, oh no, it must be Wednesday already again and time for the massive weekly bloghop. If you want to know more, go HERE

I'm going to use this chance to say welcome to all my new followers, I so appreciate you all!!!

Just two pictures today, here is the project I have been working on: I know it's way too early for Christmas, but I got this wonderful Santa stamp in return for some design work I did and I just had to give it a try lol
Here is a really messy corner of my workspace that I have not shown before, it looks awful! The plan is to show it again next week all beautifully tidy..... Wish me luck...


  1. Your santa tag is just so beautiful and whimsy, understandable that you wanted to show it! And I am waiting now, curiously, how your corner redo will end. Keep my fingers crossed for a good start! Greets, Manu

  2. Love the santa stamp and your tag is so delightful, the colours are magical together ... arrhh I need colour lessons from you Astrid. :-)

    As for your work area ... Hmmmmm ... it looks interesting and I am now wondering if you would find anything if it were 'perfect' .. lol

  3. Hi again Astrid, lovely to see you back here in WOYWW land.
    I don't think I told you last week, I love your blog header. Fab!
    Beautiful tag you have made this week and what does it matter if it is way ahead of time - you have started the "C" trek.
    Hugs, Neet #3 xx

  4. Beautiful tag Astrid! Good luck organizing your studio! Hugs!!!

  5. Love your tag, I wish christmas ideas got posted now so we could get going early LOL
    Bridget #1

  6. I nearly fell off my chair... christmas indeed, shame on you lol but it is a beautiful tag, and although you say your expedit is a mess at least you have SOME with doors, mine are ALL open and messy, i need doors or baskets or something!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Minxy #39

  7. I have a purple tag on my desk this week for TAG TUESDAY CHALLENGE.
    I think yours would have fitted in well with this weeks theme.
    Or is yours blue ?
    have a great week
    Lynn 31
    One I Made Earlier Today

  8. Never to early for Christmas stuff and I love the tag. Goodluck with the clean up too.

    Eliza #26

  9. Love your Santa tag, Astrid. It's never to early to play when you have new stamps!!
    Good Luck with the tidying, although it looks fine to me, you should see my room!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax 74

  10. Fabulous tag and Superb Santa stamped, even though you freaked me out over Christmas LOL!!! xx

  11. seeing as the weather is so wintry the tag is very fitting - wonderful colours and a great stamp... hope the clean comes to fruition... Have a creative week and happy WOYWWing... Sarah at 12.

  12. Eeek! Christmas in April scares me but I'll let you off as it's so lovely! Love your not so messy corner..... that's tidy to me!
    Lv JoZarty x

  13. It's never too early for Christmas! I've already made some cards too, love your tag, gorgeous vintage Santa. Good luck with the tidy up. Take care & enjoy WOYWW. Zo xx 77

  14. WOW your Christmas tag is stunning, its beautiful :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx #75

  15. That is a gorgeous Christmas cration and I love the way you have photographed it. x Jo

  16. OK, good luck then, alhtough it's paper that makes the mess, it's all sticky outy and unco-operative and you're going to use it in a minute, so is it worth wrestling it...There, I've literally typed y thoughts as I looked at your apparent mess! Love the santa, however unseasonal, I can see you getting mileage from that stamp.

  17. I hope we get at least a bit of summer sunshine before I have to get out the C stamps but saying that I love your tag, it it beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier - much appreciated

    Ann B

  18. Thanks for the warm welcome as I am a new follower! I like your blog layout as well. Will be stoping by again=)

    first-time in WOYWW

  19. Loving your Christmas tag, its fab Astrid. Loving your work space, its so much tidier than mine. x

  20. Oh my! For a moment I panicked thinking I was yet again late in my Christmas prep so I'm glad it is you that is early rather than me late! Lovely stamp - no wonder it needed to be tried! Gabrielle #42

  21. Great tag, good luck with the tidy up, have a messy corner myself!!! Hugs trace x 97

  22. Gorgeous tag!

    Happy WOYWW
    Susan nr 92

  23. I am covering my eyes and ears and going LA LA LA LA LA - I cannot even THINK of that C word for about 6 more months! But the sneaky peek I did get in tells me that tag is stunning.


    Mary Anne 18

  24. Lovely Santa tag - I like to make Christmas things throughout the year too and as for the tidying up it already looks tidy to me so carry on crafting instead! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 20

  25. I like that Santa because it's so different from the usual red and white. In fact, he almost looks as if he's from an Eastern European fairy tale or know, from the Wild Woods.
    Hugs, LLJ #33 xx

  26. I love your tag...never too early for christmas! I really need to do some too! Good luck with your organization; maybe when you finish yours, you could come visit mine!

  27. Some people start their Christmas cards on 1 Jan so you have been very restrained indeed. Love you tag, it is beautiful. Wishing you good luck for the changes you are planning in your workspace. Anne #61

  28. Oh my goodness Astrid, I love that tag. Stunning work too. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx 67

  29. Hello Astrid,

    I love that tag - a wonderful vintage look to it. You can never start on Christmas too early!

    Your desk (or that portion of it) isn't messy at all.

    Happy WOYWW

  30. O my word!!! What a fabulous tag, love the santa stamp and the detail is just perfect... Hugs May x x x No10

  31. Is already Christmas again?

    A fantastically beautiful Santa tag, dear Astrid! Very nicely designed and I love all the details!

  32. Well if I look outside I would think it's Xmas time. But your tag is fabulous. Love this brown and blue colour combination. Hope you have a crafty week and wish you good luck with cleaning your corner. Bye, Franka #9

  33. I like how you committed to having your work area tidy by next week. Now that we all know, you'll have to be sure to do it. Of course, we're all crafters here and will totally understand if you don't, but maybe we can be added incentive. Love, love, love, the Christmas tag, the flowers and the ribbon and such a fabulous stamp!

  34. I love the colors you used on your santa tag. It is so frilly and fro-fro... love it! dani138

  35. you must have a pretty big workspace!
    Hope to see more of it on other WOYWWs :)
    You're so right! That santa stamp is great!

  36. I don't think you can ever be too early for Christmas Astrid! The tag is lovely, good luck with your tidying!!

  37. Hello Astrid, your Santa tag is gorgeous and I can quite see why you love that stamp, it's perfect vintage. Good luck with the clean up of that corner - look forward to seeing it again next week. Hope you have a lovely creative week. Elizabeth x #113

  38. Love the Christmas tag - it's definitely not too early - I run a Christmas challenge blog so I make cards all year round. That corner doesn't look that bad ... but look forward to seeing the tidy up - (Hazel, #173) x

  39. Good luck with the tidying! That's a great santa tag too. #36

  40. Your Santa project is breathtaking!! I absolutely adore it!!! The colors are perfect.

    Thanks for taking a peek at my desk too!! Sorry you couldn't find the badge...I've been making it so easy the past few weeks I thought I would try to make it more of a challenge this week!!

    Amy E. #24

  41. Oh cant wait to see what you do with that area of your room:)

  42. You craft room doesn't look that untidy to me - at least the cupboard doors close - mine have so much stuff pulled out and piled up on the floor in front of them, that they can't shut!!

  43. your room looks quite organised to me at least you can shut the cupboards and hide stuff away.
    thanks for the peek
    janet #29

  44. great looking crafting space! I would feel right at home cause my stuff is so messy also but I know where everything is! Love the tag. I don't care what time of year if I decide to make Christmas cards, or valentines or whatever I do! I am retired I am old in years but young in heart so I do as I please for me! Have a great week and thanks for commenting on my blog! Vickie #41

  45. Santa is a winning anytime in my book.
    The colours are great too.
    Good luck with getting tidy...I myself have the whole house to do!
    Neglected for the last three weeks (:O shock)
    Have a great WOYWW and thanks for sharing. Neesie #45

  46. It's never too early for Christmas!! ;) Hee hee and your santa tag turned out wonderful!! :)


  47. Wow, what an amazing piece of art your Santa is!! Good luck with your tidy. You can do it! Darnell (184)

  48. Hi, Thanks for visiting me, I have since posted a better photo on my Layout btw. Your Santa tag had me in a time warp for a moment but it is superb. Gold and blue, hmmmm, gonna have to try that one and I have a Tim Holtz santa stamp I haven't used yet too. Looking forward to the BIG tidy up next week. BJ#51

  49. Now that really confused me. I didn't expect to see Santa in April! Lovely work though

  50. Good luck with the spring cleaning of your crafty space :-)
    A x #38
    ps thanks for calling in on me x

  51. Your santa is fabulous. Good luck with your clean up.
    Have a great week.
    Von #65

  52. It doesn't look so bad. I was so ashamed when I saw my desk on my blog that I actually cleaned up for the rest of yesterday, that is why I only got to you now.
    Happy belated WOYWW

  53. Wow love the Christmas tag Astrid and good luck for a tidy corner next week LOL
    have a fab week x

  54. Fabulous Christmassy tag Astrid. I love your workspace and all the storage - look forward to seeing it again next week too.

    Thanks for already coming to see my desk this week. I'm afraid I don't know where my Sister got the carousel thingy from - I'll ask her next time I see her. The Distress markers were an extravangant purchase I agree, I'll just have to make sure I use them before they run out! Hope you're enjoying your guilty pleasure too x
    WoYwW # 28

  55. Running a bit behind on my visits. cool Santa stamp Have a great WOYWW!

  56. Wonderful Santa tag, very Victorian. Love your shelving. Thanks for stoppig by. #58

  57. Love the Santa tag, very tactile! and a lovely crafty space too! Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafty week. HaPpY LAtE WoYwW!
    ((Lyn)) feeling very old at #102!

  58. I LOVE your beautiful Santa tag - so delicate - I love the colours. Hope you get tidied, although it just looks lived-in and well used - I like that look!
    Thanks for popping by and have a good week.

  59. oooh WOW it's never to early to be showing off Christmas creations as gorgeous as that!! Good luck with the tidying up.... I hate tidying up :o( x

  60. I like the santa stamp and what you've made with it!!

    ** Kate **

  61. Thanks for visiting my workspace this week. Will have to 'follow' you, if I am not already, as you have so many interesting things on your blog. The Santa stamp is gorgeous. I am planning to start on Xmas crafting next month. Ali x #89

  62. WOW Astrid, your Santa tag is GORGEOUS!!! LOVE the blue, the crinkled seam binding, the embossing, the flowers.. well just everything! PERFECT in every way!!!
    Have a wonderful Sunday :-)

  63. Astrid...enjoyed my browse your creations!

  64. Oh i`m soooo happy that i stumbled across your blog. So many wonderful creations. Thanks for sharing all these beautiful freebies with us all. I have taken the liberty to download some of them. I also added myself as a follower. Keep up the great work. Hugs...Mona.


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