
Monday 12 March 2012

A card and some exciting news....

Outside of card
I thought it was about time I showed you a card I made using only my own papers that I post as freebies once a week.
Here are some details

This little postcard will be coming your way soon
Here is the inside of the card, I left the left side pretty empty to allow for space to add a personal message
Left side, this paper is not on my blog as blogger would not let me upload it for some reason. You can find it on Pinterest under my own free printables

Right side
Now for the exciting news:
SPELLBINDERS HAVE INVITED ME TO BECOME PART OF THEIR INTERNATIONAL BLOG TEAM!!!! I will be in the company of some amazing crafters from all over the world. You can read all about it by clicking


  1. Congratulations my dear friend Astrdi.
    I´m so happy for you.

    Your card is a dream. Really beautiful details. xoxo

  2. Woohoo Congrats pleased for you xx

  3. Firstly I am so so pleased for you. When I saw your post header I was hoping it was going to be spellbinders.Biggest congratulations you so deserve it your projects are gorgeous. Now you need to get on the Pion paper designing team! Secondly your card is amazing and so unique with all your beautiful papers. xx

  4. woo hoo Astrid congratulations that is great news.
    Loving your very special card. Annette x

  5. What an honor to be on the Spellbloggers Team. Congratulations, Astrid!!

  6. Congratulations Astrid, fantastic news. your card is beautiful as well.
    Yvonne x

  7. Congratulations Astrid! What wonderful news. You will make a fabulous addition to the team! I love your card, it is just gorgeous!

    Elaine Allen

  8. Oh my, this is truly a work of art!
    Love this creation!
    Happy week Ü

  9. Congrats Astrid! You made it!!! I smiled really big when I read your name, I am soooooo happy for you my Scotish friend! Big hugs!!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! This is wonderful news, you will have such a brilliant time :) x

  11. Congratulations Astrid what a wonderful position to get, and so well deserved. Your creations are wonderful, this card is stunning with your beautiful papers xxxxx

  12. Ooooh that's fantastic news Astrid and so well deserved. Congratulations!!!!!

    Your card is stunning and the papers you design .......... well, I am in awe! I am totally useless on a computer except for the very basics of running my blog. If anything goes wrong, I've shot it, lol!

    Lesley Xx

  13. Huge congratulations Astrid, you will be an asset to them indeed, this card is so elegantly beautiful. x

  14. This is beautiful and congrats!!!

  15. Hi, I just found your blog through the Spellbinders blog. After looking through your art I am not surprised you are now part of the team. Congratulations.

    btw I love your freebies. They are gorgeous.

  16. Hello Astrid
    I am new to your Blog and honestly it is breathtaking. I would like to Follow you but I am not on any Social Networking sites so have bookmarked you instead.
    This card is stunning in its beauty. I will definitely be returning.

  17. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!

  18. Oh my gosh, I just did a HUGE happy dance for you Astrid. I am seriously so excited for you ...

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S

    Cannot wait to see what you create!


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