
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Some good and some bad news...

Happy Valentines Day everyone

First of all I want to share a card I made yesterday with you. You can find a great tutorial on Sue Wilson's   blog here:

Now for the bad news first (then that's out of the way....) Sadly I did not make it through the final round for the Spellbinders DT contest. Obviously I was disappointed, but also just a little bit relieved as no doubt it would have been a huge commitment and now I can concentrate on other things. I will share the projects I made for the contest in the next few days.

The good news is that as I said earlier, Crafty Secrets has commissioned me to design some papers for them and this morning I noticed that Sandy, the owner, has put the first few previews on her personal blog. You can find them here:

Hope you all get to spend some wonderful time with loved ones today!!


  1. I am sorry you didn't win the Spellbinders competition, but well done on the Crafty Secrets commission!

  2. Im a great believer that there's always a reason behind everything that happens to, who knows what might come along instead.

    Lovely card :o)

  3. Beautiful card Astrid. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog, sad that you did not make the team it would have been lovely to meet you. Wonderful commission for Crafty Secrets :)

  4. Your card is wonderful Astrid.
    So sorry that you no a member of Spellbinders.
    Congratulations for Crafty Secret. These are looks awesome.

  5. so elegant! don´t mind it.. isn´t it faboulous to have all the time for crafty secrets!?

  6. Your spell binders and other work is stunning!! Keep submitting your work Astrid. You are certainly talented enough for any team.
    Keep smiling and creating, Have a great Valentines Day!!

  7. Hmmmm feel like boycotting spellbinders dies now, you would have been perfect for the DT. But I know what you mean about commitments, sometimes it can take the joy out of crafting, so perhaps its a mixed blessing. Absolutely gorgeous card & looking forward to seeing all your Crafty Secret projects. XX

  8. So Sorry you did not win the contest but .... the previews look amazing and your card is stunning.

  9. I echo Paula's sentiments exactly Astrid. It's what I've always said from as far back as I can remember ............ and that's a loooooonnnngggg time, lol!

    I've just been over to look at those papers and WOWEE!!! they are so beautiful. I don't have a clue about the rest of the CD and it's not something I would normally buy but I think I might have to make an exception here. Your designs are so elegant and delightfully feminine. Many congratulations on the commission.

    Lesley Xx

  10. Hi Astrid, I agree with Paula also... when one door closes, another always opens, and perhaps even for the better..

    Your work/creations are always stunning. Your card is beautiful and I cannot wait to see what you create for Heartwarming Vintage.

    Warm Regards

  11. Sorry you didn't make the cut at Spellbinders, Astrid. It's most definitely their loss!! I love everything you do!

  12. I was so happy to see that Sandy has you designing papers for Crafty Secrets. Your work is perfect for her CDs.

  13. All I can say its their loss Astrid... am going to pop over and look at your designs at Crafty Secrets as am sure they will be fab.
    Loving your beautiful card. xx

  14. Hello Scotish friend! So sorry you did not make the team, I did not either, they have other plans for me. They liked my new designs for creating die templates, I am very excited about this. I created the box dies and some flowers for them last year too.
    Your work is so beautiful and I am sure other doors will open for you! Let's keep in touch! Big hugs!

  15. Disappointing news on Spellbinders but congrats on the commision from Crafty Secrets, love the preview papers xx


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