
Thursday 16 February 2012

Big changes ahead!!

As many of you regular bloggers will have heard already, it seems we are losing the google friend connect facility on the 29th of February I think it affects Wordpress and other blogging formats but not Blogger. I've signed up for the new Mr Linky Followers button, please sign up if you would like to stay following me :0) You will find it right below my current followers button.

There is more information available here: . I will follow all of you back as I certainly don't want to lose all my faithful blog friends!!

You can find out further back ground information if you follow this link

Thank you!! And pass this on!!!


  1. Losing google friend will only affect blogs that aren't blogger ie blogspot blogs like typepad and wordpress so it won't affect your blog at all! I did some digging as I was concerned too at first! Paula :D x

  2. Hi Astrid, I tried to follow you on the new gadget, but couldn't - I've downloaded the gadget myself now and it looks a bit different from yours?


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