
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Triptych using "Dreamer Collection"

Here is a sneak peek  of my second project for Snazzys. If you want to see more head over there by clicking here


  1. As I have said on the DT blog, this is absolutely stunning Astrid. I love the colours and all the detail. Won't say more as peeps need to trot over to the DT blog to see it in full. They won't be disappointed!

    Lesley Xx

  2. Like craftimamma I have been over to the DT blog and its totally gorgeous Astrid, x

  3. Wow Astrid what a fest for my eyes.
    This is wonderful. I love it. xoxo

  4. Gorgeous artwork. So beautifully styled. Love it. XX

  5. Love your blog, so glad I found it.
    Amazing freebies and so many cool and beautiful theings to look at!!
    Thank you for sharing


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