
Friday 16 December 2011

Exiting News

I am finally back from my travels and can't wait to get back into my craftroom. Hope to get round to you all just as soon as I can.

Now I have some exciting news to share....
I made it through to the second round of the Spellbinders Design Team challenge!!!
You can see all the information here

I could not believe it when I got their email. Almost all of their present DT are going for it again also so I know the competition will be stiff!!!


  1. Nice to see you back Astrid x Congrats on getting through to the 2nd stage of the spellbinders DT call - it might be stiff competition but youre every bit as good and stand as much chance as the next person...if they have any sense, theyll pick you (obviously just my opinion!!)

  2. congrats to you gorgeous friend .... and hope you make it to the top ... woohoo !!! hugz x

  3. that is wonderful news astrid! good luck!! i hope you make it!! welcome back. i missed you!

  4. Everything crossed for you, your creations using spellbinders are absolutely stunning and you would be great asset to their design team. XX

  5. wow thats great news Astrid. Glad to see you back, x


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