
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Gift for a sick friend

One of my art friends is battling with health issues. A group of us decided to put together a special gift for her. Each of us will create a page which will then be put together into a special book of well wishes for her. As I know she loves vintage I created my page in vintage style. The background was created with tissue, texture paste, gesso, acrylic paints and a paper napkin.


  1. What a lovely idea you and your group of friends came up with. I'm sure the result will be most pleasing.

  2. It's absolutely gorgeous. Love the subtle textural effect and the beautiful portrait, so serene. It's a lovely idea and I'm sure it will give your friend a much needed boost!

  3. This is just wonderful Astrid. I hope your friend gets well soon. xx

  4. Such a wonderful and kind thing to do. Am sure she will appreciate it. Your page is beautiful Astrid. Annette x

  5. I'm sure this friend will surely love this art of yours!!

  6. Superdupergorgeous Astrid!! Love your art!! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, but summer's getting in the way of blogging :) Just wanted to stop by to wish you a wonderful summer my friend!!
    hugs and smiles,

  7. What a lovely gift! I think it's something that she'll really treasure, Astrid. Your page is just gorgeous! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. This is such a beautiful and lovely idea! I'm sure your friend will love it, but even more important I hope she'll feel better soon. Your page is gorgeous.

  9. Wunder...wunderschön liebe Astrid und eine liebe Idee.

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke

  10. Astrid, your page is so very beautiful- and I love your shrine-maybe I shall take a look at thet class,too :)
    Thankyou for your dear visit.


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