
Thursday 2 June 2011

Blogger is being a pain!!

Like many people I think I am now also starting to experience serious problems with leaving comments on certain blogs. I just tried leaving comments for people that linked to the June calendar challenge (see post below) and found I could not leave comments for about half of the people. I found the same last night with several other blogs. Does anyone know what the H is going on? - this is sooooo fustrating and such a waste of time!


  1. hi Astrid,
    have the same problems, can't sign in at blogger eighter. now i have changed my browser ( i used internet explorer) now i have installed google chrome ( kept also internet explorer) and with google chrome it's a lot better but not 100%!! i heard it's also better with firefox.

  2. I'm having the same problem! Going to try firefox! It's so frustrating.

  3. I've been having problems too & I run in Firefox! I've had no dashboard bar up at the top of my blog for 5 days.. I couldn't do a thing & leaving comments on blogs is hit & miss!

    Hope things improve soon..xx

  4. Untick the keep me signed in box Astrid on Blogger and it should work OK. Annette x

  5. on the blogger status page yesterday, they updated the issues they've been having from an error that occurred while they were upgrading their service and trying to make it more, better, greater! it failed and they've been fixing it ever since. from the looks of things (on the status page) it should all be ironed out by now...or if not, very, very soon! they seem to be working tirelessly on it!

  6. Also having lots of frustrating and timeconsuming...just read one of your comments re unticking the signed in box...might give that a go...

  7. I've been having problems off and on, Astrid. Blogger seems to be possessed lately. Hope that you're enjoying a wonderful, relaxing weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. Hi Astrid, pop over to Indybev's blog, she was given a tip on how to stop this blogger glitch and it worked.

  9. Yes, I´m having all sorts of problems with comments and signing up as a follower, too. So far it´s all working when I´m switching over to Firefox which I have on my computer as a second browser "just in case" but seldom use ... now I´m forced to.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated and it makes my day! Please don't waste your time leaving anonymous comments, they will go straight to spam!