
Saturday 2 April 2011

Little portrait sketch

Today I had to attend a whole day workshop. By the afternoon it was getting pretty boring. Thank goodness I had just a few coloured pencils on me so I used the time to do this little sketch. I love children's faces, but usually don't give myself the time to do much sketching, but doing this made the time pass much faster, and hey, I could still listen to the lecture...


  1. Shame about the boring workshop but you put your free time to great use this sketch is fab. Tracy x

  2. Such a sweet portrait Astrid. Well done you. Her face really speaks to you.xx

  3. What a sweet little drawing!!

  4. I used to write caustic remarks in shorthand no one could read when I was trapped in a dull meeting....but now I see I could have used my time much more constructively! This is a charming little sketch, Astrid. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Well the time wasn't completely wasted was it Astrid with this enchanting coloured sketch. Have a great weekend. Annette x

  6. Astrid -

    What a charming little face. You are very gifted.

    Elaine Allen

  7. Wow...beautiful!!..such a gorgeous soul..outstanding work..i love it!
    Shine on

  8. She's adorable! You should sketch more Astrid - that's so soft!!

  9. Fabulous sketch, i love it. You should sketch more.


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