
Thursday 17 February 2011

OWOH and the winners are:!!!

First of all, a big thank you to all of you who visited and left a comment. Each and everyone of them was so much appreciated!!
Thanks also to Lisa for organising this great event, I loved every minute of it and feel quite sad that it is all over and done with now.
Well at last the great day has arrived and it is time to announce the winners. As I had two prizes I obviously have two winner.The winners were picked my a random number generator and they are:
For the mixed media painting Donna Rodgers from
For the mini book: Titbelsoeur from
Congratulation ladies, I very much hope you will enjoy your gifts!


  1. Thank you so so so so so much !!!!
    greetings !

  2. Hi Astrid. You are a winner of my giveaway and I couldn't find an email address to contact you :-)

    Please email me with your shipping address and I will send a pair of earrings to you!


  3. Hello Astrid :)

    You are also the winner of my giveaway too lol

    Whenever you can, please stop by my blog or email me your address here: yovanka (at) otenet (dot) gr


  4. Hey Astrid...
    Please check your e-mail or my blog !!! I have a suprise for you !!!
    kind greetings Rian from Holland

  5. Astrid! i left a comment on your other blog but haven't heard from you. You won a prize in my OWOH giveaway. Please mail me at scwk0511 at yahoo dot com and let me know your mailing addy. Thanks!

  6. OH my goodness I'm so thrilled and excited. I didn't check my email because my son had to leave suddenly for Seattle on Tuesday with wife and kids. Moved in three days.

    Finally got to check the email and I'm just blessed beyond words. Thank you so much!

    Xo Donna @ Comin' Home


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated and it makes my day! Please don't waste your time leaving anonymous comments, they will go straight to spam!