
Friday 7 January 2011

2011 Monthly Calendar

Just came back from Australia yesterday.
Like many people I am taking up Kate Crane's monthly calendar challenge again.
Here is my page for January with the first few days filled in.
You can find out more about this challenge on Kate's blog here


  1. Wow Astrid das sieht toll aus.
    Grandioses Werk.

  2. OOh its so good you are home again. I know am being selfish but have so missed your masterpieces which always inspire me. Terrific calendar page and glad you are back...Annette x

  3. Wow Astrid a fantastic page to start the year. xx

  4. Lovely pages Astrid ( I saw these on Flickr too). Shall I add you to the blogroll on my blog? Looking forward to seeing more of your calendar pages this year x

  5. wow this is just stunning! Love the vintage feel to your page! I am planning on joining in the challenge this year...this is the first time I have attempted this style of crafting, but I am sure I will learn a lot along the way. thank you for your inspiration! Hugs Juls

  6. These monthly calendars/ art ournals look so fun to do. Yours is great!

  7. Great Calendar page! But link to Kate's blog didn't work. Patsy from


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