
Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Three Muses "Vintage"

The theme at the three Ms is "Vintage" this week. Well more than half of what I make would probably fit this theme...
Anyway, decided to make a couple of ATCs, I had this idea of making twelve ATCs one for each month of the year and make them into a book. Not sure whether i'll really do it or not, but here are two "vintage" ones anyway.
Images are from Lisa's altered arts collage sheets. Back grounds are my own, crackles were done with Rangers Chrackle Accents then rubbed with acrylic paints and wiped off quickly. The rest is painted stamped etc.


  1. So beautiful vinatge pieces Astrid.
    Fantastic backgrounds and stamps. Awesome Lady´s.

  2. Lovely Astrid, love how you did the crackle background..Fun. Hugs, Diane

  3. Your vintage ladies are romantic and beautiful, Astrid! Ooooo . . . one for each month of the year would be lovely!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. They are beautiful Astrid, love your vintage.

  5. Beautiful ATCs Astrid, especially love your backgrounds. Annette x

  6. Both ATCs are gorgeous - very tactile looking. Would love to see the next ten lol :)

  7. Gorgeous vintage ladies, Astrid!

  8. i´m also fascinated by these cracklings in the background!

  9. These are beautiful!
    great background!

  10. Stunning vintage ATCs, Astrid, you gotta love those hats!!

  11. What beautiful ATC's! They're gorgeous! Hugs xx

  12. Both lady's vintage cards are very beautiful. Love it.

  13. they both look gorgeous, love the backgrounds

  14. lovely and elegant and I like your gingersnap hanging one too

  15. What wonderful chapeaus on your vintage ladies! The backgrounds are beautifully done, and little accents are perfect. BRAVO!

  16. What beautiful vintage ladies Astrid- perfect ATC's for this theme!

  17. These are both spectacular, Astrid! I'm glad I came by to see your work today! Wonderful vintage style!

  18. Wonderful vintage ATCs, Astrid. I love the texture in the backgrounds. Aren't those hats great?!

  19. Yep...i'm finally back Astrid and if you only knew how happy I am about that!
    I'ts so good to "see" you all again !!
    About your ATC's.
    What a clever idea to make them for a book. Please continue. These two are already "print-worthy"!!

  20. Both are so elegant, Astrid. Really beautiful.

  21. Astrid...your ATC's are just gorgeous. I love them!

  22. both are gorgeous Astrid!! great vintage look.

  23. Hi Astrid - I'm running late with my comments this week with family ties taking up all my time but I would like to say that I have scrolled through your blog which is - wait for it - you guessed it - EXQUISITE!! You should take out that word as your trademark!! So many treasures, especially your scrumptious journal pages and your elegant calendar.
    I love your ATC's and the images you have used - especially the hats!! Very elegant.


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