
Tuesday 10 August 2010

Altered Mona for a journal page swap

In my art group the theme for our monthly journal page swap was Mona. We always have to stick to the theme for our one side and can do our own thing for the back.
Anyway, as Mona is not my favourite theme to be honest, I just felt I had to alter her quite a bit, in fact I gave her a mate. Mona uses Leonardo's body and Moner has her head. Almost all other parts are freebees from flickr. I am terrible at keeping track of my credits and just say a big thank you to all the kind and generous souls that share their freebees in the public domain!


  1. Mona may not be your favorite, but you've certainly changed her life with THIS clever piece, Astrid! Outstanding! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Great fun Astrid, I love both the figures. Annette x

  3. Was für ein Kunstwerk! Ich bin begeistert, Astrid. Hast Du super gemacht!

  4. You did good. I am trying to think if I have the time to do one. Sure would like to but too many customer quilts to do at the moment. I guess that's my cue to go back to work!


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